Superdrol ?


New member
Hey fellas , read some mixed responses to this. R the gains from drol wet or dry ? ill b running it 10/20/20 . How quickly will i notice it aswell ? also will nolva 40/40/20/20 b sufficent ill also b using milk thistle whilst on .
Hey fellas , read some mixed responses to this. R the gains from drol wet or dry ? ill b running it 10/20/20 . How quickly will i notice it aswell ? also will nolva 40/40/20/20 b sufficent ill also b using milk thistle whilst on .

so your cycle support will consist of milk thistle and your pct is nolva??

wow, bro.....wish you luck on that one :rockband:
I just started my Beastdrol(SD) cycle follow up on it i have a log and then you decide if you want to take it.
thats what i c most ppl have done. what should i do for post cycle therapy (pct) then genious
im not sure who ran the cycle you speak of but i have never seen anyone run it like that... you want to use n2guard ran along side as a support as superdrol is extremely harsh... i would use transaderm with it as well to help with the lethargy and other sides...

you also would not run it for only 3 weeks you would run it for 4... beastdrol gains are dry gains, not wet at all...

i would NOT use nolva... use torem or clomid... also unleashed and daa at the very least in your pct... you can definitely add more to it but you at least need to use these...
i really think all u guys look into it to much. Do u really belive all these support supps and shit help u that much . sure u need post cycle therapy (pct) but the stuff ur talking about isnt even clinically proven its just "bro science" is it not. Ill be running my drol with clomid as a post cycle therapy (pct) then and milk thistle/tuarine for the THREE weeks. 4 weeks ? everyone else seems to recomend 3 weeks this will b my second go at PH . i ran epistane for 5 weeks with milk thistle and clomid as post cycle therapy (pct) kept alot of my gains and only really suffered from mild lethargy and a few pimples. yet every1 told me i needed this and that n bla bla bla . we will c ill keep u all updated on my cycle .
ps. dont get butt hurt
i will son, ill make sure i keep regular posts , once again dont get but hurt because u looked better in a dress then shorts . mwa
I dont know if all the support supps are necessary. You see these guys suggest all of these things for prohormones but when it come to dbol and anadrol they say just drink a lot of water and keep an eye on your blood pressure. I dont know if prohormones really need to be treated much different.
^^^^thankyou , im not trying to be rude but people just have no idea , ask urself have u ever ur PH without this shit ? how reliable are most of these ppl telling u this shit ?
thats right
Necessary Supplements on Superdrol

SD is methylated as mentioned, and being a 17?-alkylated compound, stress will be inevitably put on the liver. The most common method employed by users of methylated steroids would be supplementing with Milk Thistle, available from health stores, supplement stores and some bulk powder stores. The Milk Thistle that you purchase needs to be standardised to at least 80% silymarin (the active compound), and users should run 1000mg ed of milk thistle (giving 800mg silymarin). Other liver protection aids, such as N-Acetyl Carnitine (NAC), etc, may also be employed if the user so desires.

If cramping occurs, as it may likely do, 5g ed of Taurine as well as potassium (add bananas into diet) will definitely help. If you have not used Taurine before, start off on 3g ed (take it pre-workout if possible, about 30mins prior to exercise) and build up to 5g. Taurine is available at very low prices from online bulk powder suppliers.

Read more at: Superdrol - Pro-Hormone or Designer Steroid? ...

Mad ?