
Muay Thai Guy

New member
Hey Guys Gals and Fellow Fight Fans Alike,

I just want to introduce you to a tournament held in Europe if you are not already familiar with it. It's called the Superleague and is basically an amalgamation of some of the worlds best fighters (mostly middle weight and super middleweight) to fight Modified Muay Thai rules (No knees or elbows to face) in a 5x3 superfight.

The last event was held in Rotterdam which I had the privalage of attending and seeing some of the worlds great fighters like
Albert Kraus, Malaipet Sitprapom, Joeri Mes and John Wayne Parr

More info on the superleague can be found over at and a review of the last tournament can be read over at the new Ironlife magazine at

Here's a pic of me with one of my favourite fighters John Wayne Parr!!!!
Yes i have heard of the Superleague, but have only been able to download highlights. Sux to be in America some times. Hey Babyface, are you MTG on ironlife?!
really?! Well you got to keep me up to date. Are you posting nutrirtion stuff on this board also, because I am quite impressed with your knowledge of diet
It is funny that you call Malaipet one of the greatest fighters. I used to train with him when I first started, and I really had no idea how great he really is. Just recently did I really get to understand how good his entire fight game is.
Cool so you're from california?

Malaipet has one of the hardest left kicks in the game
I think it's probably harder than Samkor's but only because he weighs more than Samkor

Malaipet is a typical thai fighter in that he relies too much on his kicks and his slow paced fighting.. it hink against a boxer he'll be a bit screwed and that's why i think bang will beat him but i am still rooting for my thai brother haha

I actually train in Van Nuys california, Malaipet trains in North Hollywood. A few miles away. I have been fortunate in that I have been able to train with Quinton Jackson, and Tito. As for Thai fighters, I have trainned with Malipet, and a few other california and USA belt holders. I just have a hard time mainly due to the fact that I am 6'2" 230 so my competition is few and far between.
I get some big white kids, and a few hispanics but for the most part, I really have to search for competition. Deffinately no Thais at 6'2"!!!
When i was in thailand the coaches there said you're the perfect weight to fight in thailand... I was around 60kg when i got there and i came home at 56kg in 4 weeks lol oh and im 173cm :eek:
Yeah looking at your personal pic, you look like you are about the perfect size. I belong in K1 on the otherhand!