Supplements/Vitamins while on TRT


New member
Being on trt long term can bring some sides. Is there one supplement out there that covers all of it . Instead of buying a ton of different things. I take the normal multi vitamin, Zinc,fish oil, D3. Just would like to stay as healthy as possible.
What do you mean by sides? If you're referring to high hematocrit causing blood clots, donating blood fixes that. If you're referring to water retention/calcium retention/blood pressure/prostatitis, managing estradiol solves that.

The only thing I can recommend that I don't see is cialis, but that's not really a supplement - but it does compliment TRT nicely. B12 in methlycobalamin form is great too, but you will have to stay on top of your donations as it can elevate RBCs.

Edit: NAC is a good idea whether or not you're on TRT for the liver. Forgot about that until rereading your post.
Yes, I'll second that... I take NAC at 600mg daily all year round, I'll up that to 1200mg when I blast and to 1800mg daily when I blast and add orals.

I happen to take an aspirin a day too, but that's just me falling for an old wives tale - 'an aspirin a day keeps the doctor at bay'

It hasn't done me any harm so far, and they love my blood at the donor clinic :)
Yes I did have a problem with my hematocrit elevating last time so I will be donating every 6 weeks to start and then eventually every 3 months if all goes well. .25 adex 2x week keeps my estrogen perfect. I have a prescription for cialis. I'll be looking into NAC.
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When donating blood how much testosterone would be lost. When is the best time to donate between injections?

It's a depot, the testosterone isn't just floating around after you inject it. The amount you lose is neglible, and if anything - your total concentration likely rises a little after donation as your blood volume is slightly less for a few days.
Yes, I'll second that... I take NAC at 600mg daily all year round, I'll up that to 1200mg when I blast and to 1800mg daily when I blast and add orals.

I happen to take an aspirin a day too, but that's just me falling for an old wives tale - 'an aspirin a day keeps the doctor at bay'

It hasn't done me any harm so far, and they love my blood at the donor clinic :)

Skip the aspirin within 24 hours of donating. For recipient safety.
I take a number of supplements, but not specifically, because I'm on TRT. Although I have added NAC and Liv.52DS since starting TRT for liver support.

However, I take

Calcium 1200mgs a day
Magnesium Malate 900mg ed (I'm a hyper excretor, or poor absorber of magnesium. I have to take high levels, or I get palpitations)
COq10 100mg 2x ed
Vitamin D3 5000iu ed
Vitamin E 400iu
Potassium 1x ed
Biotin 5000mcg 1x ed
Vitamin C 1000mg Time Release 2x a day
Zinc 50mg ed
Selenium 100mcg 2x ed
Micronized Pregnenolone 50mg ed

I think that covers most of it, may be forgetting a few things. I also use a Digestive Enzyme with every meal.
You get heart palpitations if you don't take magnesium?

Specifically I get pre-atrial fibrillation. It's not constant, but it's very annoying. It increases when the heart is under stress like training, or HIIT as well. Even with high doses of magnesium my blood tests put my level at the bottom of the normal scale.
Being on trt long term can bring some sides. Is there one supplement out there that covers all of it . Instead of buying a ton of different things. I take the normal multi vitamin, Zinc,fish oil, D3. Just would like to stay as healthy as possible.

DHEA and pregnenolone ed IMO