

New member
I am having orthoscopic surgery on my left shoulder tomorrow morning and the doc tells me that I will be out of the weight room for about 3 months. That is REALLY depressing for me to accept. I finished an awesome 16 week cycle in May which consisted of 100mg of prop ED and 75 mgs of Tren ED. My post cycle therapy (pct) went great! My current stats are: Height - 6'1", Weight - 247 and my BF% - about 15%. I am following a strict diet and a good workout schedule, which the workout schedule will change of tomorrow. To make a long story short, should my diet change? I am scared to death of loosing to much muscle to the point where I am depressed.
At the present time I am consuming about 2400 calories ED, with my protein just over 300 grams, my carbs are about 140 grams and my fats are about 60 grams. I have had great success with this. Is there any advice you guys could possibly give to me to help me maintain as muscle as possible? I will continue to do my cardio.
Thanks so much
Seems like 2400 calories is a bit light for maintaining that mass, but if it works for you, then who am I to argue?

If surgery is being done on your shoulder, then won't you be allowed to do leg presses or similar?
Yes, after about 3 weeks after surgery, he should release me to start going back to the gym. At that point I plan on working lower body.
I know that 2400 seems a bit low but I have a really slow metabolism and I am skeptical to go up on calories.
I do very much appreciate your reply.
you should be able to get at it before 3 months.i had mine scoped and i was doing light stuff in a month.i still have yo warm my sholders up good though and probaly will forever.dont rush it and do the therapy.that being said i only had a subcromial decompression if you having more extensive stuff you might be out longer,but me a month and i was back light.
The doc had to attach my labrum back with 3 screws. I have to wear this damn sling for 3 weeks before he will evaluate me again. He said the tore was a lot worse than he initially said from the MRI. At least I will be able to keep my cardio going. Just have to make sure I stay between 60 & 70% of my maximum and just do a little cutting.
thanks for the help