Survey taken among teen's


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Got this of Yahoo. it was on the news. Thought it would be interesting to read.

High Schools Struggling With Steroid Use
Thu Mar 25, 5:58 PM ET Add Top Stories - AP to My Yahoo!
SACRAMENTO, Calif. - High schools nationwide are struggling with rising steroid use, not just among football linemen battling for college scholarships but also among non-athletes who think bigger biceps will make them more popular.
Most schools cannot afford the costly tests for detecting illegal bodybuilding drugs. Even those that test for marijuana and cocaine do not check for steroids, which are potentially more destructive.
"For a small district to do this kind of testing would be cost-prohibitive," said Joseph Wilimek, school superintendent for Angels Camp.
At Bret Harte High School in Angels Camp, all student-athletes and cheerleaders take urine tests for marijuana, cocaine and other illegal drugs each season, costing the district about $9,000. Checking for steroids would cost an additional $44,000.
That would be enough money to pay for another teacher, Wilimek said. "Right now our priority is keeping staff — we've had to lay off three teachers and reduce our administrative staff already," he said.
Steroids soared in popularity among high school students — girls and boys — after Mark McGwire hit a major league-record 70 home runs in 1998 while using the supplement androstenedione, a steroid precursor.
In a recent national survey of steroid use, 3.5 percent of high school seniors responding reported they have used steroids at least once, up from 2.1 percent in 1991.
Those figures do not include users of over-the-counter supplements such as andro or the more popular creatine, which are much cheaper than steroids.
"There was a big increase when Mark McGwire broke the home run record. Of course he was using andro, but that may have been a distinction lost on a lot of the kids," said Lloyd Johnston, who led the University of Michigan survey of 50,000 teenagers. "If you're looking at a classroom of 30 boys, one of them is using steroids."
Johnston said steroid use is more prevalent among boys than girls, among whites than blacks and among non-college-bound students than those who plan to attend college. Many of the high school kids who use them are apparently non-athletes simply hoping to appear more buff.
Steroid use appears to be much higher in some parts of the country, particularly the South. In a 2001 survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (news - web sites), 11.2 percent of Louisiana high school boys surveyed reported using steroids, and 5.7 percent of Tennessee high school girls did.
Steroids' side effects can include heart disease, liver damage and rage. They can also stunt growth, shrink testicles and cause girls to grow facial hair.
Many high schools use an NCAA (news - web sites)-approved test for marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines and methamphetamine that costs about $22, plus collecting and handling expenses. But a steroid test costs $50 to $100, not counting collecting and handling.
Few school districts are willing to spend that kind of money.
In Florida, state Rep. Marcelo Llorente wants high school athletes to undergo mandatory testing for steroids. His bill, which would require each county to randomly test at least 5 percent of its athletes, was approved unanimously this week by a legislative subcommittee.
To reduce the cost, Llorente wants the tests to be done for about $33 each by the University of Florida veterinary laboratory that now tests samples from horses and greyhounds.
"I played three sports in high school and had the opportunity to play Division I baseball," said Llorente, who attended Tulane University. "I knew people who used performance-enhancing drugs. Young people don't understand the drastic consequences of using steroids."
In California, state Sen. Jackie Speier has introduced legislation to ban the sale of supplements such as andro to teens. She convened a Senate hearing Thursday to focus on the possibility of state-mandated testing and other ways to fight high school use of steroids and supplements.
"We teach kids not to take candy from strangers, but how many know not to take performance-enhancers from their friends and mentors?" she asked.
Among those testifying at the hearing was Kevin Will, 16, a junior quarterback at Del Oro High in Sacramento. He said coaches have warned the team not to use cocaine or marijuana, but he was never told not to use steroids.
And while he was never pressured by coaches to use steroids, he said, "I was told by friends and coaches I can play on the college level, but I have to get bigger." Will, who is 6 feet tall and weighs 168 pounds, said he has never taken steroids.
One of the few school systems checking for steroids is the relatively wealthy Paradise Valley district in Phoenix, where random tests have been conducted since 1992. The $50 tests are administered to students involved in everything from football to cheerleading and badminton.
Students participating in sports must sign a drug-testing consent form. Positive tests result in a suspension of 18 weeks from the sport for a first offense and a permanent suspension for a second offense. Results are not shared with law enforcement officials.
"The additional cost of testing for steroids is well worth it if we can protect our kids," district spokeswoman Judi Willis said. "We also believe the fact that we do this testing has been a deterrent."
I'm so sick of this media horseshit. I really love the part about steroids being potentially more destructive than cocaine......ya right! Welcome to the land of the free!
This is funny. As a teenager and a steroid user, I find this entertaining. There's no way in hell that juice is more dangerous than coke. Coke's a downward spiral of self-destruction. And weed is wasted time.

I'd rather be on juice than anything else.
Those figures do not include users of over-the-counter supplements such as andro or the more popular creatine, which are much cheaper than steroids.


And schools doing drug tests, for anything, is total bullshit.
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you know.....i would venture to guess that about 3% of the people that are so anti juice have done decent research.....that just inflames me.....when are people going to stop thinking what is thought to be "common knowledge" or even better, what their mommie told them and do some fucking research.....that goes for can't stereotype something that you know nothing about......then they throw out these statistics, like "X many people have died" in 11 years......well fucking A......i bet more people died in car wrecks from talking on their damn cell phones than did on juice.......and i am not a rec drug user....but people that say.....Marajuanna has negative effects on you.......HAVE YOU EVER BEEN HIGH?????.....or the BIGGEST one......steroids give you rage......this to me is the most blown out of proportion stereotype that i have ever seen......yes they do tend to "shorten the fuse".....but jesus H. Christ.....if you didn't know that before you started and don't have enough self control to hold back, then you shouldn';t be in this game at the research, spend a few hours a week reading CREDIBLE sources of information.......jesus...

ok im done.....sorry for that......just my two cents
Why are the fucking schools struggling? I do not understand. Are kids skipping history to do some quad injects? Are teachers continually confiscating dbol tabs and redijects??? Im not supporting highschool kids to start juicing, but why is it any of their business what kids are doing outside of school? Start with the kids that shoot other kids, that shit just happened in my area. Potentially destructive? Try focusing on guns and coke!!
DougoeFre5h said:
Why are the fucking schools struggling? I do not understand. Are kids skipping history to do some quad injects? Are teachers continually confiscating dbol tabs and redijects??? Im not supporting highschool kids to start juicing, but why is it any of their business what kids are doing outside of school? Start with the kids that shoot other kids, that shit just happened in my area. Potentially destructive? Try focusing on guns and coke!!

lmfao-I love it, lets cut english and do some drol. Very good point though. I also dont understand why they classify steroids in the same class as coke and Heroin.
can't say i totally disagree with the article.

i do agree that the us tries to control its citizens a little overzealously, but i don't think there's any harm in randomly testing a small percentage of athletes who, at their age, have absolutely no place even thinking about putting such powerful substances in their bodies.
"He said coaches have warned the team not to use cocaine or marijuana, but he was never told not to use steroids."

Just because someone DOESN'T tell you NOT to do something does not mean they are encouraging you to do it like that article seems to imply. Great example of the media manipulating people.

And 'struggling with rising use' at 3.5 percent that's up from 2.1 in THIRTEEN years! WTF is that? I'm sure twice maybe a lot more than that percentage of elementary kids have tried smoking or alcohol. A 10 year old getting drunk is a much bigger problem than some 18 yr old squatting 500 lbs when they might have only been able to get 400.

"Young people don't understand the drastic consequences of using steroids."

Totally true on that point but why not follow it up by actually educating them with the REAL truth? They make you take a "Health Education" class that teaches you how to have sex and do some other stupid diets and exercise, why not teach about AAS?

Alright, I'm off my soap box but I agree with all the other bros on this site, this is total BS!!!
"We teach kids not to take candy from strangers, but how many know not to take performance-enhancers from their friends and mentors?"

HAHAHA what a pile of shit. What is this country coming to? Talk to any highschool monitor/teacher/principle . . . What are their problem kids doing? They are skipping school to smoke weed or coming in drunk to school. WTF . . .steroids? Is a steroid using student's increasing size becoming a problem in the classroom? What a waste of time and money, while i was in highschool there were very few students who used . . maybe 1-2% max, and what problems did they cause? nothing. I don't know whats more rediculous: this or the Arnold DEA Classic.
just more horseshit if you ask me. The people writing these article are just a bunch or over-educated pompass dorks who've never bothered to ask a "real" athlete about what's really going on.

And how many times are we gonna hear that Mark McGwire hit 70 homeruns while on Andro. First of all; Andro wasn't the only thing he was taking and second; taking supplements alone won't enable you to hit 70 homeruns at the major league level.
LOL I saw a real big built dude the other day in college, man it was funny the dude went from like 140 pounds to 210 pounds in the school year, kinda worried me though!