Not here to lecture you bro, but there are a few things wrong here.
First, you're running your second cycle at 20. This leads me to believe you started cycling at 19 at the latest.
Second, you're running a 19-nor in your second cycle.
Third, you're running three compounds in a second cycle.
Fourth, no liver aid for dbol.
Fifth, no fish oils or any good fats to help with heart health etc while on cycle.
That's just what's wrong with the cycle. Not to mention it's too short and the dosages are wrong. But before you worry about that, you need to sort out your diet.
If you only lost 13lbs in 7 weeks, you could not have dropped 9-10% bf. Plus you're 197lbs at 6"2. I'm heavier at 5"10 and lower bf and I've only been training seriously for 3 years. Don't be in such a rush man, you have your whole life ahead of you. Get things sorted now before you get too involved in the AAS world.
I know you probably won't take this advice. But atleast do some research and maybe get hold of 3J for some diet advice. I only hear good things about him.
All the best bro