sus/decca/test e/dbol/arimadex


New member
1-4 500mg sus, 750mg decca per week,75mg dbol eod, .25mg arimadex ed
5-10 1000mg sus, 500mg test e, 750mg decca per week, weeks 5-6 75 mg dbol eod, .25mg dex ed
11-14, 1500mg sus,750 mg decca, .25mg dex
17-23 clomid 50mg ed
5'6 279 33years old

ny opninions? changes i should make? suggestions? please let me know i plan on starting jul 1st
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Im ASSuming you have quite a bit of experience? Yes? No?

Regardless, why are you titrating your total test and mixing up a blend with Test? Again, i can only ASSume you have these oils on hand and are attempting to make the best cycle out what you have - especially going from .5 gram of Test to 1.5 grams of Test form wk 4 to 5. Then for some reason dropping Test E after only 5wks and returning to Sust?? I dont follow this logic at all. No offense.

My advice is to NOT titrate up and stick with chosen amount of Test (Sust) and Deca and run it straight out. And for me, anything over 40mg of Dbol is overkill and produces unruly sides. Not worth the extra $ or headache.

PCT - is your projected protocol from experience or ?

Your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) protocol is questionable for this aggressive cycle too. But again, if this is determined from past experience or bloodwork, have at er.

My .02.
Not offended at all, this is my 9th or tenth cycle in my exp, I'm not changing to test e, I'm adding test e to the sus, in the past I've always done 75mg of dbol eod no sides, I have also always ramped up, then back down, everything coms out great, never done decca b4, everything I have red points me into the 600 to 1000mg a week, all keep it under 800, yes the test e is laying round, thought I might use it, the most test ive ever done on a cycle is 1000mg a eek, going a little higher this time round to see what results are like, if results are good, then great, if no real major improvement from last cycle then will never go that high ever again
As far as pct, Clomid and some daa, liver cleaner usually does me fine, never had any of the sides ppl talk about at the end of a cycle,
Not offended at all, this is my 9th or tenth cycle in my exp, I'm not changing to test e, I'm adding test e to the sus, in the past I've always done 75mg of dbol eod no sides, I have also always ramped up, then back down, everything coms out great, never done decca b4, everything I have red points me into the 600 to 1000mg a week, all keep it under 800, yes the test e is laying round, thought I might use it, the most test ive ever done on a cycle is 1000mg a eek, going a little higher this time round to see what results are like, if results are good, then great, if no real major improvement from last cycle then will never go that high ever again

As far as pct, Clomid and some daa, liver cleaner usually does me fine, never had any of the sides ppl talk about at the end of a cycle,

Sounds like you have it figured out. But if it were me i'd want my bloods a bit more stable rather than adding, subtracting, ramping up, ramping down. My bloodwork would be all over the map.

Best of luck brother. Post your results when you done. :)
Sounds like you have it figured out. But if it were me i'd want my bloods a bit more stable rather than adding, subtracting, ramping up, ramping down. My bloodwork would be all over the map.

Best of luck brother. Post your results when you done. :)

Will do, decided no e, running it a few weeks longer and staying at 1000mg of sus starting at week 5