big nick
i am in the 13th week of a sust.deca, dbol cycle.
i started at 6'1" 180 and i gained 15 from the dbol. and the rest from the Sustanon (sust) and deca. I would say this has been a bad ass cycle. Everyone that i havent seen since last summer or xmas break, the ones i dont go to school with that is, has said i am huge now. i am in the 13th week as i said. i would have only run 12 weeks but i still have gear left and not enough for another cycle so i will be running for another 4 weeks.
I have never tried EQ but i am next time.. all i know is that Deca and Sustanon (sust) work well together and i have had no Gyno problems at all so far. just acne and that happened in the last few weeks.
flip a coin and decide which one to use.
AND EAT GOOD. its all about what you eat and when.
i am strict about diet. that helps also.
good luck and GROW mutha fucka.