Hey first time posting here, seems to be plenty of knowledgeable people. I thought I would see what you think of my next cycle:
175mg of Sust EOD 4x a week for 700mg/week for 10 weeks
100mg of NPP EOD 4x a week for 400mg/week for 7.5 weeks
I have nolva and clomid for my PCT and arimidex on hand just in case
This is my third cycle, first was just a Test Enan cycle at 500mg/week for 10 weeks, second cycle was Test Enan + Mast prop for 10 weeks
I haven't been able to find any other posts where I can see someone else running these two at this high of a dose, do you think I am running it too high or should I be good?
I am 24, 6' and 205lbs, roughly 12-13%bf, been training and lifting about 8 years now, only been doing cycles for about a year and a half now.
Any advice or input would be much appreciated, thanks!
175mg of Sust EOD 4x a week for 700mg/week for 10 weeks
100mg of NPP EOD 4x a week for 400mg/week for 7.5 weeks
I have nolva and clomid for my PCT and arimidex on hand just in case
This is my third cycle, first was just a Test Enan cycle at 500mg/week for 10 weeks, second cycle was Test Enan + Mast prop for 10 weeks
I haven't been able to find any other posts where I can see someone else running these two at this high of a dose, do you think I am running it too high or should I be good?
I am 24, 6' and 205lbs, roughly 12-13%bf, been training and lifting about 8 years now, only been doing cycles for about a year and a half now.
Any advice or input would be much appreciated, thanks!