sust/deca cycle Arimidex question


New member
hey guys,

new here, 37 yo 86kg 1.77m 18% bodyfat, working out 4/5 days a week, eating as healthy as I can. Had a couple a times some sust only and a deca/sust cycle in the past. Also in the last 6 weeks I shoted test cyp every 5-6 days x 500 but it proved it was either way under dosed, either kinda junk, minimal changes happened if any...

I start/continue with this cycle next days and I would need some advice, the cycle will look like this:

wk 1-12 500 Sust in 2 shotsx250 per wk
wk 1-10 300 Deca in 2 shotsx150 per wk
wk 1-14 0.5 Arimidex 2 times a week
PCT starts week 14 with 10 daysX 100 clomid daily fallowed by 10 daysx50 clomid daily

My goal is to lower my body fat and to gain some quality mass. I am not worried about any problems with deca, have done it in the past and I react fantastic to it.

Are the doses correct, shall I made some changes?!

Thanks for your replays
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