SUST250 and DECA250 Cycle HELP and TONS of Questions


New member
First thank you for all the help.
I got SUST250 one 10ml vial and DECA250 one 10ml vial from my guy yesterday.
I can get more or change for more SUST250.
This will be my 3rd Cycle and im not in a rush to start it.

My stats 28yrs, 168lbs 5'7'' 10% body fat

1st Cycle was Test Cyp Pyramid Style .5ml,1.0ml,1.5ml,2.0ml,2.5ml and back down. I did not PCT except Nolvadex XT from gasprai nutrition.
I understand that this was wrong .

2nd cycle was Bio TS 400
I did 2 pins a week mon and Thursday for 8weeks due to 1 vial of gear:ugh:
I used RUI liquidex .25eod thru cycle and did PCT: clomid 50mg 4wks and nolva 40mg 2wks, 20mg last 2wks ?

Now I Have 1 vial of SUST250 and DECA250 from Z pharama Labs.

1. should I just do a cycle of just sust250?
2. what AI?
3. what post cycle therapy (pct)? Clomid and Nolva?
4. 2pins a week?
5. More SUST250 than DECA 250 right?
6. I still have opened RUI Clomid Nolva are they still good. last used 10-12
Leave the deca out this time. Sust needs to be pinned every 2-3 days. You need to do more research. We aren't going to do all the work for you.
Leave the deca out this time. Sust needs to be pinned every 2-3 days. You need to do more research. We aren't going to do all the work for you.

Thanks BigBronz I'm not wanting you guys to do all the work for me, I just want to know your guys suggestions. I have done a ton of research and understand that there's a bunch of way to do cycles.

I ended up trading the Deca 250 for another Sust250
My cycle is going to be
2pins Mon,Thurs 1ml each day. 500mg a week
What Aromatase inhibitor (AI) would be good with Sust250?
I still have a half bottle of LiquiDex from RUI from November
Would it still be good? Its been at room temp since
I also have Nolva and Clomid from RUI same as LiquiDex
My guy said he can get me Nolva Pills for $100
Thanks again
I just got off my first cycle of sust 300/ deca. I was doing sust 300 and deca 250 mg twice a week total of 600mg sust and 500mg of deca( I know this is lot for first cycle lol)
Week 1 nothing
Week 2 start to feel the test.
Week 3-5 holy shit felt like a beast
Week 5-8 I think the deca kicked in and started putting on weight
Week 8-10 stayed the same

Started at 205. Got up to 225 after ended up at 215 and stayed there.
Ran a Aromatase inhibitor (AI) week 5- till I ran out. Pct 2 weeks free last pin. Clomid for 30 days. Everything went fine only side I had was body acne. Bench squat dead lift military all went up 30-50 lbs. didn't gain as much weight as I hoped cuz I only get about 3-4 hours of sleep. School/work. Buddy ran same cycle and gained 25lbs

Idk if this helped but that's my input I it help
Depends what you are wanting to achieve bro, long ethers don't require such regular pinning. I had sus and dec (600/ 500 per week) in two pins every four days. They take a fair while to kick in, so if you don't feel the kick for the first four to six weeks that is not necessarily unusual (often why dbol etc are supplemented for the first four weeks).

Sus, sus+dec are often run for twelve week cycles too.

I used Adex whilst on my sus/ dec cycle followed by a Nolva/ chlomid pct mate.
There are virious opinions on the frequency of sust injections. My thought is to keep it simple and pin every 3.5 days (SundayAM/Weds PM)so twice per week.
Also, I do not think you will be satsfied with 10 weeks. Dummy-up and buy another vial.
BTW my first cycle was like yours (except 13 weeks) but now on 2nd with test/deca. Really enjoying this one more so far. So my point is do your first correctly and enjoy the ride.
Thanks guys. I traded the deca for another sus250. I will do 2pins aweek 500mg a week. I could get nolva pills for $100you is that a deal?
I think $100 or nolva is steep unless theres about 100 of them. That doesn't mean you shouldn't get them if you don't have them. If that's your only source then I would recommend doing that.

500mg a week is a good starting dose and I was glad to read that you left out deca. With Sus, you can probably get by with every 3 days of pinning. Even though most would say 12 weeks when dealing with longer esters, I think you will see decent results with 10 weeks. LiquiDex should still be good and I recommend using that along with HCG during your cycle. 250x2 per week of HCG is what I've read most often. Continue Dex and HCG up till PCT and then start the clomid/nolva.
Thanks Guys for all the replies. DrHouse so I should add Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 2pins A week. 500mg a week for 10weeks? and I have some RUI products left that should be good still Dex,Nolva,Colmid. Ill check with my guy and see from there about the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) if he can get some. if not Ill just pin without it. Im double checking about the NOLVA pills I was thinking the same about the price. around how much DEX should I run? and ed or eod. I ran .25mg eod an my last cycle last year but I think it was just because my mind playing tricks with me.