Sustanon 1st cycle ever 250mg or 500mg a week


New member
Im getting mixed input on the dosage for sustanon, some say 250mg a week is more than enough as a 1st cycle , others say its better to take in 500mg a week as it wont mess up your test levels. Every body type is different, myself im 39yrs , 138lb , 5"7, 12% bf, for a person at my weight and bodyfat can i get away with 250mg a week for 12wks, does the weight of the person taking test matter with the dosage?, id rather go with the lower dosage , but if it really messes up with the test levels in the long run , i can take 500mg, 250mg 2x a week.

I already recentlly got my blood work done and my test levels are 590 a bit above average for a man my age. Thx
wither you take 100 mg of it a week or 900 mg of it a week.. either dose will equally "mess up your test levels".. because both doses will completely shut down your HPTA.. so being your going to be completely shut down, even at small doses, you might as well go for a larger dose and get real gains instead of just replacing your natural testosterone with a little bit of sustanon
My original plan was to use 250mg of sust a wk, after doing some research i will now use 500mg a wk, only problem i have now is i will only have enough for 10wks , if my diet is in check and im lifting hard (all compound) can i expect good gains.

I will be lifting 3x per wk all compound lifts (squats/bp/rows/dead lifts/ovhp) and walking for 1hr 2x per wk on non lifting days, I will be bulking , my Tee currently is 2100 cal, im currently eating 2300-2400cal 5x per wk, my macros are P133- F 66-C 287,
sustanon contains short esters as well as long.. so 10 weeks should be fine being the short esters will start kicking in fairly soon.. just remember to pin it eod, or a least m/w/f to assured stable levels of the short esters in the blood stream..

You should expect decent gains***8230; especially if this is your fist cycle. just remember to keep E2 in check and run an AI the duration of the cycle up to PCT.

Personally, I think you would get much better gains with a body builder style work out routine then the one you have planned.. training for size and mass via sarcoplasmic hypertrophy with high volume, lots of time under tension, and high rep isolation moves.. (i've put on 25 pounds in two months training this way) the one you have planned is more of a beginner routine that focuses on overall strength.. but that depends on your goals,, my goal is more aesthetics then general strength. Also, remember that while on cycle your recovery time will be much faster,, training just 3 days a week is not gonna get the most out of what you could using steroids and training at least 5 days per week.

I try to hit each muscle group twice per week.. example-- on chest day I only train my chest, I train it for about an hour and 15 minutes.. I do lots of isolation high volume exercises and some compounds moves. 5 days later I do it again.. on arm day I train my arms only for an hour and 15 minutes,, I hit them again 5 days later.. leg day is leg day only, i hit legs again 5 days later,, but i do hit calves 3 times per week.. so I'm spending several hours per week on each muscle group,, and I'm recovering just fine,, oh yeah, and I'm growing

also my training is concentrated on one specific muscle to be under tension.. example,, it takes me two minutes to do one set of barbell curls.. why so long ? I squeeze the muscle and it takes me 3 seconds on the way up,, I continue to squeeze the muscle and it takes me 5 seconds on the way down,, I do 15 reps,, that's 120 seconds.. thats a lot of time under tension and that's what builds and volumizes the muscle cells.. especially with using AAS, the additional water retention, glycogen stores, blood volume now going to the muscle (as opposed to being natural), really accelerates muscle growth with this type of training. . . on the other hand, athletic myofribilar hypertrophy, strength training, and compound only moves will not grow muscle nearly as quickly.. but will help with strength.

depends on your goals -- personally I've done a lot of compound exercise training in the past, and never got what I was looking for in the mirror from that type of training,, but i did like packing on 6 plates for bench press,, but heck, now I want looks, not strength,, I rarely even do bench press now a days.