Sustanon 250 and STEROID DRUG TEST


New member
So I'm about to start a cycle of 2ML of Sustanon (sust) a week for 8 weeks. I start my cycle next week on Wednesday, but I'm also a little nervous because I have a NCAA steroid Drug test in September. I'm starting my cycle on March 23. Do I have enough time to get the Sustanon (sust) out of my system??

I have done my research and it said I had three months. Anyone have personal experience with this?

*This IS a steroid specific drug test.*
Use a different kind of T is you have it.
3-4 months to be safe for the Sustanon (sust). The T Decanoate will
drag things out. Prop and suspension
are my fav. They are fast acting and fast
to clear as well.
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you will get nothing out of a 5 week sus cycle.....if you are playing in the NCAA, why would you even risk your carear with gear? im sorry, i just dont agree with that, but thats jus MO.
Like previous dudes said, don't bother with the Sustanon (sust), if you really want to run something then don't be a pussy and cough up some extra dough for some prop
I wouldn't bother with running 5 weeks only.
Not enough time for it to do much..
Maybe take nothing if that's all you got.

I dont have an other kind of T. Do you think I could be on it for awhile (like 5 weeks) and stop the cycle?