Sustanon 250 Cycle Advice


New member
Okay guys

Sust 250 for 12 weeks 250x2 weekly
Arimidex 0.25mg Eod

PCT - 21 Days after last injection
Nolva at 40/40/20/20
Clomid at 75/50/50/50

Questions are do i need to run hcg?
Arimidex doesage enough and do you run the arimidex after the 12th week until PCT starts so in my case week 15 or just end Arimidex after 12th week?
We heard u the 1 st time.

LP knows what time it is OP. YES is the correct answer keep the boy s full and keep the lh fh follicle a frollikin lol Depends if nut size and functionality concern s you ?

1 st cycle ?

U know sust has 4 esters in it right and the optimum way to run it just to really make this harder is lil bit s e o d to take full advantage of the shortest ester to avoid the tiny hormonal fluctuations but unless you cry in the Halmark store you ll be OK..and that mean s bunches of pinning.