Sustanon 600


Hey all. bout to "restart" my first cycle. basically i started my first cycle running test c by itself. Started with 250mgs/ week. did that for first 4 weeks and decided it was too weak. week 5 and 6 i upped to two cc's, one mon and one thurs for a total of 500mgs/ week. week 6 i ended up breaking my right hand in a rage. by week 7 i had two cc's left. cashed em and haven't jabbed in past 2 and a half weeks. well my hand feels better so instead of pct i am about to pick up where i left off only with Sustanon 300. I have two 10ml vials, 300mg/ml. will be taking 2 cc a week for a total of 600mgs duration 10 weeks

Stats: 23 years old. have been training off and on since age 16. pretty consistently.
height, 5'10. weight, 170lb. body fat, not sure single digits for sure very lean

Have arimidex on hand for Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and will be running pct of clomid and nova 3 weeks after last pin
clomid 50/50/50/50
nolva 20/20/10/10/10/10

One thing that i've been torn between is the injection frequency each week. Majority of people claim Sustanon (sust) must be shot at least every other day because of the prop. I have done endless research on the reasoning for this and while many people agree eod, Ive found more solid foundation on why your weekly Sustanon (sust) dosage should all be injected at once, one time a week. I am about to take first pin now. would love some feedback, specifically from people who agree on Sustanon (sust) once a week vs. eod.
I pin sus eod, but you could put up a very good argument as to why it doesn't matter.(such a small amount of prop) My point of view is that even if eod is only needed in a perfect world, why not?
Here it is, a quote by ND2 on Sustanon and the best way to use it:

The name sustanon means "sustained release" This because its original "thought" for its use was designed to be administered once per month. By combining multiple esters in such a way, starting with shorter chain molecules (propionate) and progressing to longer ones (decanoate), you can design a formula that takes effect almost immediately and releases it***8217;s payload (testosterone) over a length of time.

But lets look at sustanon from a Athletes perspective rather then a pharmacological one. Now stop and think ( experienced users). You are sitting down to plan out your next cycle.

Separate all of the different testosterone esters in sustanon and then sit down and take a good look at them. Take each one on its one and then write out how you would use that testosterone ester if you were going to use it in a cycle all on its own.

Here let me split them up for you one more time.
1. testosterone propionate
Ok this is the first test ester in sust. Now make a cycle with it and show me how you would cycle it if you were going to use just this steroid in a cycle!!!

Well if you had any experience at all with steroids you would run it one of a few ways.
A. 50-100mg every day
B. 100mg every other day.

This is pretty much the extent of how you would cycle test-prop . No one with any experence at all would run this drug any less then 50mg every single day or 100mg every other day.. OK hey maybe you wanted to use the lowest dose you would get away with. Even the lowest does I have ever seen would be 50mg every other day. So 25mg every day or 50mg every day

Guess what? Sustanon (sust) only has 30mg of testosterone prop in it. That just barely hits the "every single day dose" you would use if you were going to use this version of test of you were going to use it alone in a cycle.

prop has a 48 hour half life and we all know it ( us with experience... NEXT

2. testosterone phenylpropionate
Well ok now Sustanon (sust) has 30mg of testosterone phenylpropionate and this has a 4 day half life. This of course is not a very por version of test so you will not see many people setting up cycles using this..however if one were to use it it would still end up being a 100mg every other day inject just like one would do with NPP - Nandrolone PhenylPropionate - - Nandrolone PhenylPropionate - other drugs like it. Or maybe 2-300mg every 3 days. bit again you can see that the dosing is " not right"

3. testosterone isocaproate
This one has a 9 day half life and if you were to cycle it on its one you would more then likely inject twice a week at about 200mg or more. Again the dosing is wrong.

4. testosterone Decanoate
One of my new best friends. I have founds a new love for "long esters" of test and this is my second favorite right behind testosterone Undecanoate the longest ester of test there is. Just love this stuff but test deca is not far behind at all.

But again looking at drugs like test-deca or deca-dernabolan
You will notice people still inject this on a twice a week bases using way more then 100mg ( more like 250-300mg twice a week) or they inject it as little as once a week but even then they inject 300mg or more not 100mg or less.

So then how should one use sust? Well yes you can have a good cycle using twice a week injects of sust. You can have a good cycle running every other day injects of sust-250 too as many have seen for them self first hand.

But guys lets use our heads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Over all of steroid history what have we always done? We have always taken a steroid and used double, triple, more, more, more, then what was intended to be used right? We take it how it was intended to be taken only we take a whole hell of a lot more then was intended.

So why have we lost our way when it comes to sustanon? When you use Sustanon (sust) in any other way then its intended use you get unstable levels. This has been known to cause Sustanon (sust) flue, loads of nasty acne,mood swings, and all kinds of other problems.

Now I challenge you experienced users out there to test my theory. Insted of injecting Sustanon (sust) twice a week, 3 times a week or even every other day... Go back to the basics and use it exactly how it was intended to be used.

Inject your sustanon just once a week.

But needto man thats no fun!!!!!!!!! Ya I know its not. So lets do what we always do and jack up the dosing ****************/forum/images/smilies/evil%5B1%5D.gif
Inject 2, 3, or hell even 4ml of Sustanon (sust) 250 once every 8 days. This is a great 1000mg cycle and trust me once you take my advice and start injecting your Sustanon (sust) the way it was intended to be injecting you will understand and "feel" exactly why this is by far the most superior way of injecting your sust.

This will keep a constant steady on the rise flow of testosterone in your system. The different esters on large doses will work together one after another as one ester drops off the next ester is right there to pick up the slack one after another
Awesome Read!!!! I like how you broke it down to each different test I have been looking for this. Hey filthy I just finished a Sustanon (sust) 400 cycle 2x a week for 10 weeks. The Sustanon (sust) i had was + 150 mgs of undecanoate bringing it to 400mgs/ml. Do you know what the half life is for undecanoate??? When would you start pct??? I started it bout 22 days after my last pin but i feel like that was to early....