SUSTANON & EQUIPOISE Cycle need guidance on PCT


New member

This is my usual cycle plan

Week 1 -12: sustanon 250mg X 2 shots/week
Week 1 - 10: Equipoise 200mg X 2 shots/week
Week 1 - 4: Dianabol 30mg/day

week 1 -12: arimidex 0.5mg eod

HCG: 500iu X 10days
Nolvadex: 40 / 40 / 20 / 20

This is my usual cycle plan. Im planning to do the above cycle now but, the problem is I couldn't get HCG 500iu anywhere. Only 1000iu is available how should I split the shots. Pls help
That's not long enough for the EQ nor is it high enough dosage.

HCG is better ran on cycle than a blast but to each their own.

Id take some NAC with this cycle as well for liver support
so buy a bunch of 1000iu hcg.. whats wrong with that?? i used to buy them at 5000 or 10000 at a time

This is my usual cycle plan

Week 1 -12: sustanon 250mg X 2 shots/week
Week 1 - 10: Equipoise 200mg X 2 shots/week
Week 1 - 4: Dianabol 30mg/day

week 1 -12: arimidex 0.5mg eod

HCG: 500iu X 10days
Nolvadex: 40 / 40 / 20 / 20

This is my usual cycle plan. Im planning to do the above cycle now but, the problem is I couldn't get HCG 500iu anywhere. Only 1000iu is available how should I split the shots. Pls help
1st of all you should drop the HCG from your PCT. Instead of hCG, you should add Clomid.
2nd of all, you should be taking HCG from the very 1st week. If you insist on sticking to a biweekly injection schedule you can do 250 IU twice a week. The rest is just mathematics. Like 3J said, just buy more HCG until you have enough.

Hope this helps.