Switching Orals mid cycle?


New member
I am planning on running my first cycle very soon.

I am a freerunner/acrobat/gymnast so my goals are different from the majority of you.

My planned cycle is:

Testosterone enathate 200mg per day everyday for six weeks mixed with 40mg of anavar.

My problem is anavar is very expensive and difficult to get a hold of in the UK.

I have a source that I am going to go with so this isn't a source discussion.

Even though I do not completely trust my source I am going go with them.

I am worried about forking out for six weeks worth of anavar if it's not legitimate stuff.

I was thinking possibly that I would pay for two weeks of winstrol and if I see/feel the effects of that then I would switch to anavar later?

the lab you are using could definitely be selling legit winstrol and fake VAR (being VAR is often faked and winny is not) . so doing that would not benefit you in any way . just run the VAR and see how it goes . if you put on weight and your blood pressure goes up and you start holding water, you know the VAR was faked with Dbol
Testosterone enathate 200mg per day everyday for six weeks mixed with 40mg of anavar.

that sentence makes no sense at all .. 200 mg per day of test, everyday, 'mixed' with anavar !? what ? you don't 'mix' test with anavar, and 200mg everyday is more then you need of test
Just another uneducated person trying to use steroids and having NO clue what they are doing. But it sounds good huh ? :dunno:
that sentence makes no sense at all .. 200 mg per day of test, everyday, 'mixed' with anavar !? what ? you don't 'mix' test with anavar, and 200mg everyday is more then you need of test

I meant to say 200mg of testosterone enathate weekly.

Whilst taking 40mg tablets of anavar daily.

So it will effectively be testosterone enathate 'stacked' with Anavar.

I won't be crushing the tablets and trying to force the powder into the vial.