Swollen Nipples on Masteron?

TRT dose ofnTest + 600pw of Mast and swollen nipples? Has to be a general hormone reaction right?

How much test a week? Masteron should not cause this it is non aromatizing and it even has some E blocking effects. Unless it's not Masteron. FIrst cycle? Stats?
How much test a week? Masteron should not cause this it is non aromatizing and it even has some E blocking effects. Unless it's not Masteron. FIrst cycle? Stats?

^^^this...I'm pretty sure my first go round with "masteron" was tren so be careful
Get your test and e2 levels checked,, if both are way high your masteron is probably fake and is just test
haha masteron doesnt cause gyno, its impossible

so its the test or ur mast is eq or some other cheap aromatising shit

thats why i choose VERY carefully what i inject, quality of hormones is KEY in this game, KEY
TRT dose of test, you're on TRT? Or just doing a cycle with a TRT dose of Test.

Either way, it sounds like your Masteron is something else possibly EQ or Test. Have you put on water weight? Feel emotional or awesome? Go get e2 levels checked and get your Test levels checked out.

As mentioned Masteron won't aromatise as it is as DHT based steroid.
Thx guys. My bad, I didn't post stats simply be I've done it so many times on other threads, I wrongly assumed some of you knew who I was by now. 41 years old. 5th cycle; been lifting my entire adult life. 5'10 & 185 and approx 7% FB. Diet is impeccable. I am on TRT at 175mg pw of Test Cyp. My last 3 cycles have been all PSL gear and I have the bloods to prove their legitimacy; all solid as it gets. I feel really good on their Mast yet thought the swollen nips was odd. I'll just take an AI and get bloods to stop the guessing; just wanted to see if this was odd to others and I see it is.
Yeah just like everyone says, definitely not Masteron. I did 600mg of Masteron last summer with only 300mg of test and it was amazing with the exception of my hair getting thinner which is funny cuz I have done Masteron plenty at 400mg before with no issues ....Btw mine was from OP
Do they hurt though? Lots of things can cause your nipples to appear puffy like an increase of carbs, sodium, certain supplements, et cetera. Aching nipples are of concern, just a little water in the tissues under them - not so much.

My .02c :)
i am also running psl mast p. Trt dose of test. I have swollen nips, havent thought much of it yet. Just figured i needed to up AI.
EuroPharm for me on every product I've bought. I'm going to stop the Mast, should I do anything about the painful nips? I took some ADEX, have Prami on hand also
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Sorry to hear this. This does not add up to what Mast E should be doing. There should never be an issue with the product inside the vials. However, bad batches CAN occur occasionally. I can't say whether or not that is the case because it is not known at the moment. This is the first and only complaint we have received on this product. I can tell you that PSL is currently handling this as a TOP PRIORITY ISSUE. All will be made right in the end.
Now that is urgency. Thank you for that, and please let me know what you find out as I too take these matters very seriously. I have had great success with PSL, and believe you guys care about your product and your customer.
Now that is urgency. Thank you for that, and please let me know what you find out as I too take these matters very seriously. I have had great success with PSL, and believe you guys care about your product and your customer.

I'll be in touch with you my friend. As soon as I know, you'll know.