synthetic gh or GHRH/GHRP combo?


New member
I used synthetic gh for 3 months in the past, but i gave it up because of the sides like joint pain and carpal tunnel like symptoms. Sides were almost unbearable even at 4 iu daily dosage. And i didn't like the fact that insulin should be used together with gh in order to maximize muscle building benefits. Is mod grf/ipamorelin combo 3x100 mcg/day a good alternative to synthetic gh with less side effects? And which one's better to create a higher gh pulse: mod grf or cjc 1295?
At 3 months use, did you titrate dose starting at 1 iu a day for a couple weeks then 2iu for a week or two etc?

If you start to experience CTS, it's usually from moving up in dose to fast or that it's good gh but you can usually avoid it buy moving up slow.

Now to answer your question, yes that's an effective alternative but still needs to be used long term.

For ghrh only use mod grf. It's modified to keep active for about an hour. For a ghrp ipam has the least sides which are pretty much none. Ghrp 2 is just as good and usually cheaper so I use that. Ghrp6 works well also and can increase appetite so that can be helpful. Hexarilin is the strongest of the ghrp's but can cause an increase in prolactin and cortisol.

100mcg each three times a day.

100mcg has always been thought to be saturation dose but ipam and ghrp2 have show a higher saturation. 100 mcg is effective but I usually use 200-500mcg and 150mod grf. Just a bigger spike. But with ghrp2 at higher doses it can increase prolactin and cortisol.

Don't use cjc w/DAC. That produces gh in a female pattern or bleed. Mod grf is best for pulses
It was Hygetropin that i used and yes, it was definitely "good" gh. I began with 2 iu/day, but i think i increased the dose too early. Maybe it can be safer to use it again like you described, but many people say that gh is worthless in terms of building muscle if it's not combined with insulin. Since i don't want to pin insulin, i am planning to use GHRP/GHRH combo in the future.

So User, do you recommend GHRP2 200-250 mcg/mod grf 100 mcg 3 times a day for higher gh pulses with less sides?
I used synthetic gh for 3 months in the past, but i gave it up because of the sides like joint pain and carpal tunnel like symptoms. Sides were almost unbearable even at 4 iu daily dosage. And i didn't like the fact that insulin should be used together with gh in order to maximize muscle building benefits. Is mod grf/ipamorelin combo 3x100 mcg/day a good alternative to synthetic gh with less side effects? And which one's better to create a higher gh pulse: mod grf or cjc 1295?

That seems to be the magic question as of late!

User do you know of any lab tests posted from just using the peps as opposed to GH. either IGF-1 or serum GH levels being measured?
Yes there are igf levels posted from the peptides that I believe I read in a medical journal. I'm still liking for this.

I don't believe that you have to use insulin with gh as I know many guys who just use a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose of test and gain just fine. There is synergy with gh/test.

Hyges are very good as well as kigs. I think you increased your dose to fast because if you move slowly you should really have CTS at that dose. If you start to get them drop the dose by 1-2iu and slowly build up again

Again I would add test to gh but you don't have to add slin and you will gain quality mass just fine. I think gh on it's own will give you a lot of benefits just not the real muscle mass you want until test is added but it's the same with the peptides. Long term uses and better with test and add some igf.

I will try to find the journal with gh peptide igf results also DATBTRUE has a ton of info on this.
Is it possible to use synthetic gh and ghrp/ghrh together in the same cycle? Do they work in synergy or is it useless?

Most of the guys are doing exactly that! they claim they get much more bang for the buck as opposed to GH by itself.

I will run those peps by themselves first and form an opinion on them. Later I may run GH and the GH releasing peps together also.
Just an opinion, i'm not sure if it's right or wrong:

Since synthetic gh supresses natural gh secretion, it's not the best option to pin it before bed, because that will inhibit the biggest natural gh pulse. So pinning gh early morning and afternoon, then pinning GHRH+GHRP combo after workout (assuming that workouts are in the evening) and before bed seems logical to me..

Any comments?
I know a lot of guys who follow that protocol. They either pin the entire dose in the morning or pwo.

Also guys use gh peptides as a sort of pct from long term gh use to force pituitary output.
I am planning to run a cycle like this ASAP:

HGH 2 iu first thing in the morning (6.00 am)
HGH 2 iu early afternoon (2.00 pm)
GHRP2 200 mcg+mod grf 1-29 200 mcg after workout (8.00 pm)
GHRP2 100 mcg+mod grf 1-29 100 mcg before bed (12.00 am)

I wonder how a cycle like this would promote mass gain and fat loss..