t-rex, revisited......


New member
i ordered some trex, and have a few quick question..

i eat about 6 small meals a day, do cardio 3-4 times a week for about a half hour....lift every other day..

is oatmeal for breakfast enough carbs for the day, in conjuntion with the trex?

i usually eat like this..

7am.. shake, oatmeal
10 am cottage cheese fruit
noon...chicken or hamburger, shake
3pm tuna, veggie or fruit
6pm chicken or hamburger fruit or veggie, shake
9pm.....cottage cheese and fruit

im 511, 175.......dont have a lot to loose, winter beer belly mainly.......

any other tips to maximize the trex?

i did a search and read previous posts that i could find on t-rex, to gather what i could........

any updates from people that took it?

got the trex today....pretty fast delivery.....

i took 2 of them about 2 hours ago.......i dont notice anything, maybe a hint of awareness......

but i also feel like i could take a nap, which i never do .........
5'11" 175Lbs

You don't have much to lose man.... You're going to end up looking like those poor starving kids in Africa.

Eat clean, but eat lots. You should be able to throw on lots of muscle without gaining fat if you play your cards right. Get atleast 300grams of protein per day and get bulking. Don't worry about a bit of fat right now.

ok, i'll up the protien, as i was trying to get about 200 in a day.......

i drink a gallon of water a day also.....

im pretty lean everywhere, except i can grab two handfuls of fat around my stomach....was just looking for a jumpstart to get that off.....

will the trex diminish muscle?

should i discontinue using it?

thanks for the reply......
Don't bother with it right now. Save it for a better time.,

Right now you should be focused on gaining

i dont take any other supplements, besides protien shakes.....

i have used creatine, and gained a lot.......but was real puffy....didnt look right on my frame.....

also tried andro, with little to no affects....

so last question, for now anyway.... and its probably been asked a million times on here, by a million newbies......so, sorry to be repetitive...

whats good then?,something that wont bulk me up with water weight, but rather gain definition, so i can still work on losing that belly.......
If you are set on losing weight, then do it

But what do you expect to see on a 5'11" 175 frame?

its not that i am set on losing weight, or a weight at all............ just want the flat stomach back, and dont really know how to accomplish it correctly........

you are right though, i would like to bulk up to about 185.....i just dont want to be a puffy 185......

so my logic was to cut the fat first, then build lean muscle.......

not sure if my plan is wrong, or the concept.......

again thanks for the replies.....