Ok everyone, this is our chance to do something about this BULLSHIT- Forget e-mailing and calling your senators and other elected officials becuase they arnt going to do shit except sit on their fat asses and watch the money roll in, The only way that we can do something about this in my opinion is to alert the media about what is happeneng, then hopefully that will cause the other 65% of the non-lifting society to take notice of what is going on then something will have to be done, this whole situation is just way too fucked up, we cannot let this happen!! plus the media will fucking eat this up, this has all the elements of a great story, controversy, corruption, secrecy and all that shit- try to sell that in your e-mail!
Here are the e-mail adresses for some national news outlets:
Good morning america,weekend news, world news tonight are all under the same e-mail adress, which is NETAUDR@abc.com
then in the subject line of your e-mail put the show you wish to reach and some kind of other message stating your purpose, for example
here are the other news outlet e-mails.-no need to include their name in the subject line.
NIGHTLINE= niteline@abc.com
Primetime live= abc.news.magazines@abc.com
2020= 2020@abc.com
world news now= wnn@abcnews.com
NBC and CBS dont let you e-mail their shows individually but If you go on their home website they have a place for feedback, so you can post and send it to them there.
Copy the article below then add a few closing and opening remarks telling who you are and your purpose of this e-mail, then all you have to do is put all of the adresses above and hopefully some from a local news station in your area on the e-mail. then save a draft of the file before you send it- then every time you check your e-mail or are on the computer take the extra 5 seconds to pull the saved draft up and send it again, and again, and again.
This is the article
Your right to choose your vitamin, mineral and other supplements may end in June of this year (2005).
After that, US supplements will be defined and controlled by the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the World Health Organization (WHO).
It is called the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS (food code) and it is setting the supplement standards for all countries in the WTO. CODEX met secretly in November, 2004 and finalized ‘Step 8 (the final stage)’ to begin implementation in June, 2005, severely restricting the use and availability of numerous vitamins, minerals and other supplements.
The US president and congress agreed to the takeover when the WTO treaty was signed, therefore these supplement standards WILL BE ENFORCED BY THE WTO AND WILL OVERRIDE US LAWS. CODEX violations are/will be punished by WTO trade sanctions.
CODEX Includes:
No supplement can be sold for preventive or therapeutic use.
Any potency higher than RDA (recommended daily allowance, aka minimal strength) is a ‘drug’ requiring a prescription and must be produced by drug companies. Over 5000 safe items now in health stores will be banned, terminating health stores as we now know them.
CODEX regulations become binding internationally.
New supplements are banned unless given very expensive CODEX testing and approval.
CODEX now applies to Norway and Germany, among others, where:
Zinc tablets rose from $4 per bottle to $52.
Echinacea (an ancient immune-enhancement herb) rose from $14 to $153.
Both examples above are now allowed by prescription only. They are now ‘drugs’.
Vitamin C above 200mg? Banned for over-the-counter. Sold as a prescription drug only.
Niacin above 32 mg? Banned for over-the-counter. Sold as a prescription drug only.
Bitamin B6 above 4 mg? Banned for over-the-counter. Sold as a prescription drug only.
Same for Amino Acids like arginine, lysine, carnitine, etc.
Same for the Omega Essential Fatty Acids and many more supplements including DMEA, DHEA, CoQ10, MSM, beta-carotene, etc.
The CODEX rules are not based on real science. They were made by a few people meeting in secret (see web sites below); not necessarily scientists. In 1993 the FDA and drug companies tried to put all supplements under restriction and prescription, but over 4 million Americans told congress and the president to protect their freedom of choice on health supplements. The DSHEA law was passed in 1994 which does so, but this will be overruled by CODEX and the WTO.
Virtually nothing about it has been in the media. What the drug corporations have failed to do through congress, they have gotten by sneak attachk through CODEX with the help of a silent media.
So…what can be done at this late hour?
Spread the word as much as possible. Inform yourselves fully at www.ahha.org and www.iahf.com and www.illiance-natural-health.org.
Oppose bills S.722 and H.R.3377. These support the CODEX restrictions with US laws, changing the DSHEA law.
Support H.R.1146 which would restore the sovereignty of the US Constitution over CODEX, etc.
Express your wishes ASAP to the president, senators and representatives (they got us into this!).
Contact multi-level health marketing groups that can get their members to inform the government.
Send donations, however small, to the British Alliance for Natural Health (see website above). It has succeeded in challenging the CODEX directives in World Court later this month or next. They need help financially, having carried the fight effectively for everyone.
CODEX claims to wish to protect us the same way the FDA protects us from prescription drugs. To accomplish this, they used a study of prescription drugs (not supplements) by three medical scientists as reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association, April 15, 1998-Vol. 279, No. 15, p. 1200, "…Incidence of Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) was found to be extremely high." Covering 30 years from 1966 to 1996, it was found that in the US, an average of 106,000 hospitalized patients per year die from ADRs. That’s equivalent to 290 people per day. 2.2 MILLLION need more hospitalization for recovery. And these were FDA approved drugs, properly administered by competent professionals in hospitals…yet none were considered malpractice. ADRs represent the number four cause of death in the US. When combined, they account for 7% of all hospitalized patients. This is equivalent to a 9/11 attach every ten days.
Contrary to pharmaceutical drugs, there are few fatalities from supplements. Can you just imagine the news coverage if vitamins and supplements created the amount of death that drugs do?
There is no need for more FDA control of supplements than is already in place, which is substantial. Instead of drastically restricting supplements, why doesn’t the FDA better control and restrict the extremely dangerous pharmaceutical drugs which are now killing us at the rate of a major airline crash per day?
Wallace G. Heath, PhD.
1145 Marine Drive Bellingham, WA 98225
Ok to make is as easy as possible for people here are some steps to help and here is the page to find your comgress and senator people, remember to get them all.
1) http://www.congress.org/congressorg/home
2) Witer your letter based on this info:
There are three actions to take. The most urgent is to support a case brought by the British Alliance for Natural Health to overturn the European Food Supplements Directive. In January 2004, the alliance's attorneys (a firm which has successfully had another European Directive overturned) won the first round in the High Court of Justice in London. The appeal was referred to the European Court of Justice.
(Please visit the alliance's Web site, read about their case and, most importantly, make a donation to support their efforts to protect everyone's supplements, including yours. Even a few dollars will help. A few dollars from each of us will add up. If we can help them overturn this food supplement dictatorship in Europe, it won't ever come here.)
The second action I urge you to take is to write, call and e-mail your state's senators and congressmen. Tell your senators to oppose S.722, the Dietary Supplement Safety Act, and tell your congressmen to oppose H.R. 3377, the Dietary Supplement Access and Awareness Act. These two bills put the wheels in motion for restrictions similar to those outlined in the EU Directive to become U.S. law, which would be even more threatening to us than just an international code of standards.
These extremely dangerous and misnamed proposals would allow the FDA to "roll back" most of the small amount of health care freedom you and I regained with the 1994 "DSHEA" law we all fought so hard for. Even if we're successful in helping the Alliance for Natural Health defeat the European Food Supplements Directive, if these bills are passed into law, our supplement choices will shrink dramatically anyway.
The final step to take is to tell your U.S. senators and congressmen to support U.S. Rep. Ron Paul's H.R. 1146, the American Sovereignty Restoration Act. This accurately named (for once) legislation would make the Constitution of the United States the supreme law of the land again, and restore law-making and judging power to our elected representatives and American courts, respectively. Please don't leave this off your list. In the long run, it's the most important action of the three.
Please make a donation of any size to the Alliance for Natural Health as soon as you can. Then, please write, call, fax, and e-mail your U.S. Senators and Representatives as often as you can, telling them to oppose S. 722 and H.R. 3377, and to support American freedom by voting for H.R. 1146.
For further information on the European Union Directive on Dietary Supplements and on the Codex Alimentarius legislation, contact the American Holistic Health Association (www.ahha.org), the Alliance for Natural Health (www.alliance-natural-health.org), or the International Advocates for Health Freedom (www.iahf.com).
3) Don't forget the CODEX COMITTEE
Even easier to fill out
-originally posted by wrangle on ironaddicts.com
Here are the e-mail adresses for some national news outlets:
Good morning america,weekend news, world news tonight are all under the same e-mail adress, which is NETAUDR@abc.com
then in the subject line of your e-mail put the show you wish to reach and some kind of other message stating your purpose, for example
here are the other news outlet e-mails.-no need to include their name in the subject line.
NIGHTLINE= niteline@abc.com
Primetime live= abc.news.magazines@abc.com
2020= 2020@abc.com
world news now= wnn@abcnews.com
NBC and CBS dont let you e-mail their shows individually but If you go on their home website they have a place for feedback, so you can post and send it to them there.
Copy the article below then add a few closing and opening remarks telling who you are and your purpose of this e-mail, then all you have to do is put all of the adresses above and hopefully some from a local news station in your area on the e-mail. then save a draft of the file before you send it- then every time you check your e-mail or are on the computer take the extra 5 seconds to pull the saved draft up and send it again, and again, and again.
This is the article
Your right to choose your vitamin, mineral and other supplements may end in June of this year (2005).
After that, US supplements will be defined and controlled by the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the World Health Organization (WHO).
It is called the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS (food code) and it is setting the supplement standards for all countries in the WTO. CODEX met secretly in November, 2004 and finalized ‘Step 8 (the final stage)’ to begin implementation in June, 2005, severely restricting the use and availability of numerous vitamins, minerals and other supplements.
The US president and congress agreed to the takeover when the WTO treaty was signed, therefore these supplement standards WILL BE ENFORCED BY THE WTO AND WILL OVERRIDE US LAWS. CODEX violations are/will be punished by WTO trade sanctions.
CODEX Includes:
No supplement can be sold for preventive or therapeutic use.
Any potency higher than RDA (recommended daily allowance, aka minimal strength) is a ‘drug’ requiring a prescription and must be produced by drug companies. Over 5000 safe items now in health stores will be banned, terminating health stores as we now know them.
CODEX regulations become binding internationally.
New supplements are banned unless given very expensive CODEX testing and approval.
CODEX now applies to Norway and Germany, among others, where:
Zinc tablets rose from $4 per bottle to $52.
Echinacea (an ancient immune-enhancement herb) rose from $14 to $153.
Both examples above are now allowed by prescription only. They are now ‘drugs’.
Vitamin C above 200mg? Banned for over-the-counter. Sold as a prescription drug only.
Niacin above 32 mg? Banned for over-the-counter. Sold as a prescription drug only.
Bitamin B6 above 4 mg? Banned for over-the-counter. Sold as a prescription drug only.
Same for Amino Acids like arginine, lysine, carnitine, etc.
Same for the Omega Essential Fatty Acids and many more supplements including DMEA, DHEA, CoQ10, MSM, beta-carotene, etc.
The CODEX rules are not based on real science. They were made by a few people meeting in secret (see web sites below); not necessarily scientists. In 1993 the FDA and drug companies tried to put all supplements under restriction and prescription, but over 4 million Americans told congress and the president to protect their freedom of choice on health supplements. The DSHEA law was passed in 1994 which does so, but this will be overruled by CODEX and the WTO.
Virtually nothing about it has been in the media. What the drug corporations have failed to do through congress, they have gotten by sneak attachk through CODEX with the help of a silent media.
So…what can be done at this late hour?
Spread the word as much as possible. Inform yourselves fully at www.ahha.org and www.iahf.com and www.illiance-natural-health.org.
Oppose bills S.722 and H.R.3377. These support the CODEX restrictions with US laws, changing the DSHEA law.
Support H.R.1146 which would restore the sovereignty of the US Constitution over CODEX, etc.
Express your wishes ASAP to the president, senators and representatives (they got us into this!).
Contact multi-level health marketing groups that can get their members to inform the government.
Send donations, however small, to the British Alliance for Natural Health (see website above). It has succeeded in challenging the CODEX directives in World Court later this month or next. They need help financially, having carried the fight effectively for everyone.
CODEX claims to wish to protect us the same way the FDA protects us from prescription drugs. To accomplish this, they used a study of prescription drugs (not supplements) by three medical scientists as reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association, April 15, 1998-Vol. 279, No. 15, p. 1200, "…Incidence of Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) was found to be extremely high." Covering 30 years from 1966 to 1996, it was found that in the US, an average of 106,000 hospitalized patients per year die from ADRs. That’s equivalent to 290 people per day. 2.2 MILLLION need more hospitalization for recovery. And these were FDA approved drugs, properly administered by competent professionals in hospitals…yet none were considered malpractice. ADRs represent the number four cause of death in the US. When combined, they account for 7% of all hospitalized patients. This is equivalent to a 9/11 attach every ten days.
Contrary to pharmaceutical drugs, there are few fatalities from supplements. Can you just imagine the news coverage if vitamins and supplements created the amount of death that drugs do?
There is no need for more FDA control of supplements than is already in place, which is substantial. Instead of drastically restricting supplements, why doesn’t the FDA better control and restrict the extremely dangerous pharmaceutical drugs which are now killing us at the rate of a major airline crash per day?
Wallace G. Heath, PhD.
1145 Marine Drive Bellingham, WA 98225
Ok to make is as easy as possible for people here are some steps to help and here is the page to find your comgress and senator people, remember to get them all.
1) http://www.congress.org/congressorg/home
2) Witer your letter based on this info:
There are three actions to take. The most urgent is to support a case brought by the British Alliance for Natural Health to overturn the European Food Supplements Directive. In January 2004, the alliance's attorneys (a firm which has successfully had another European Directive overturned) won the first round in the High Court of Justice in London. The appeal was referred to the European Court of Justice.
(Please visit the alliance's Web site, read about their case and, most importantly, make a donation to support their efforts to protect everyone's supplements, including yours. Even a few dollars will help. A few dollars from each of us will add up. If we can help them overturn this food supplement dictatorship in Europe, it won't ever come here.)
The second action I urge you to take is to write, call and e-mail your state's senators and congressmen. Tell your senators to oppose S.722, the Dietary Supplement Safety Act, and tell your congressmen to oppose H.R. 3377, the Dietary Supplement Access and Awareness Act. These two bills put the wheels in motion for restrictions similar to those outlined in the EU Directive to become U.S. law, which would be even more threatening to us than just an international code of standards.
These extremely dangerous and misnamed proposals would allow the FDA to "roll back" most of the small amount of health care freedom you and I regained with the 1994 "DSHEA" law we all fought so hard for. Even if we're successful in helping the Alliance for Natural Health defeat the European Food Supplements Directive, if these bills are passed into law, our supplement choices will shrink dramatically anyway.
The final step to take is to tell your U.S. senators and congressmen to support U.S. Rep. Ron Paul's H.R. 1146, the American Sovereignty Restoration Act. This accurately named (for once) legislation would make the Constitution of the United States the supreme law of the land again, and restore law-making and judging power to our elected representatives and American courts, respectively. Please don't leave this off your list. In the long run, it's the most important action of the three.
Please make a donation of any size to the Alliance for Natural Health as soon as you can. Then, please write, call, fax, and e-mail your U.S. Senators and Representatives as often as you can, telling them to oppose S. 722 and H.R. 3377, and to support American freedom by voting for H.R. 1146.
For further information on the European Union Directive on Dietary Supplements and on the Codex Alimentarius legislation, contact the American Holistic Health Association (www.ahha.org), the Alliance for Natural Health (www.alliance-natural-health.org), or the International Advocates for Health Freedom (www.iahf.com).
3) Don't forget the CODEX COMITTEE
Even easier to fill out
-originally posted by wrangle on ironaddicts.com