Taking Thermorexin


New member
bought it from af store. Been using it for a few days now. I don't get any jitters or anything, maybe feel slightly warmer. I am taking 2 pills when i wake up and then 2 pills a lil later. Is it ok to take 3 pills twice daily? What other side effects have you guys gotten with this stuff?
Well today when I woke up, I decided not to take it to see how I feel without it and I started feeling tired etc, so I took 2 and within 30 min or so I noticed I was much warmer and more alert, not necessarily more focused though.

I guess I didn't realize how I felt before I started taking T-Rex a few days ago.
its kind of subtle but significant. Cardio and lifting endurance is where is "stimulant" effects are most noticable
I'm finally able to tolerate it this time around. I don't tolerate any thermos very well but I'm doing good on 3-4 pills a day now. Only 5 days in and I def. feel tighter but that's probably water I would assume. Can't wait to see the good stuff start to happen.
have been taking trex for 4 months

Hey whats up, I'm new here. I just thought I would post my experience with Thermorexin. I'll start at the beginning. I began what I would call an intermediate workout plan around mid January. I weight train for 1 1/2 hours 3 days a week and run at least 1 mile 4 days a week. I also keep my caloric intake to under 2000 a day with 6 small meals. My starting weight was 185 lbs with 17 percent BF. I lost 20 lbs by May 1st and have held steady at 165 lbs since. I haven't measured BF yet, but I have noticed very nice definition. My goal is to be under 10 percent BF by new years. To be honest I havent been able to work out regularly for the last 3 weeks, but I have kept taking T-rex. I don't know how responsible T-Rex was for my weight loss, but I can't find anything negative to say about it. I only take 2 a day: one with breakfast and one around 2 pm. I tried taking 2 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon, but my stomach couldn't take it. I have not experienced the typical afternoon tiredness in quite some time, but once again I don't know if that is the T-rex or the steady diet and exercise. I also do not notice any body heat increase except during cardio. I do sweat much more during cardio than I used to. I do plan on ordering more T-Rex when I run out.
My weight has dropped a total of 5-6 lbs in the last 2.5 weeks. Maybe due to thermorexin, but my diet and cardio are dialed in so who really knows...ima keep taking it. Only thing I have noticed that i dont like is when i take them, even with food and i burp here and there afterwards,,,,the burps smell like some herbal shit...real nasty...kinda want to vomit.