TB-500 with Hygetropin


New member
Greetings and respects;

First, I've learned more on this website when it comes to male hormones than talking with my Doctor for 6 months.

Endurance athlete, compete Spring and Summer nationally. About a year ago became depressed, low libido (honestly no libido), and tired, although, have sleep issues.

Blood Diags. show low T - unfortunately my Insurance is lame and won't cover Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), only covers some of the blood work.

Decided to take my health in my own hands and start Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), started Test Prop about 2 wks ago (starting to feel a bit more alert and had a surprise early in the morning,.....think libido).

I have a few nagging injuries so ordered TB-500,.... Ibuprofen isn't getting it and I can't stop training/racing until the season is over in Sept.

All my research shows running HG with T will complement Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and recovery after races.

So, my question:
Any issues with running 2 peptides (TB-500/Hygetropin) together with my Test Prop. Will be running a lower Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) dose for at least 6 months (see below)??

120mg Prop weekly
2mg Hygetropin in morning or evening - not sure on this?
Ldex 1mg weekly unless I get some sore tits.
TB-500 2 mg weekly for 3 months.

Thanks for any replys, respect
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You should have no issues with that combination. That being said - 2MG of TB-500 is a week is really quite worthless. At least go with a 5MG vial if you only want to pin weekly. If it is a financial issue, I understand, however otherwise, I would go with at least 5mg a week to see results. There are guys on here pinning 10+ without any issues. After 6 weeks you could cut back to a lower dosage, I am just not sure you will see much to any results using 2mg.

I would add a cycle support or milk thistle.
Thanks GreatWhiteRunne,
Just picked up some milk thistle, started tonight. Also, will order more TB-500 and have plenty of Hygetropin and Prop.

Total Test was 250, I'll get my past blood work at next Dr. appointment.

Not concerned about fertility, Vasectomy completed last year.

What's your thoughts on HG in morning or evening?

Much Respect,
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