TB500 + Mod GRF(1-29) + GHRP - 2 for Shoulder Recovery Log


New member
Hello everyone. I have been suffering from Chronic left shoulder tendonitis for the past 6+ months now. I have seen a doctor and had two Cortisone injections and done PT with no success. It seems like no amount of rest will allow the chronic inflammation to subside. In an attempt to speed up the healing process I have started a log below. Please let me know if you see anything incorrect in my process. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

TB500, GHRP-2, Mod-29 Shoulder Healing Stack Log:
Week 1: Left Shoulder Pain Level - 7

Tuesday 11/4/2014:
1. 1330hr: 2mg – TB500 (0.5 CC Bac Water) Injected Sub-Q Abdomin
2. 1330hr: 100mcg – GHRP2 and 100mcg – Mod-29 Upon Waking (Noticeable Effects – Feelings of Head High and Jaw Tightness, slight arousal.)
3. 2000hr: 100mcg – GHRP2 and 100mcg – Mod-29 (Noticeable Effects – Feelings of Head High and Jaw Tightness, slight arousal.)
4. 0230hr: 100mcg – GHRP2 and 100mcg – Mod-29 (Noticeable Effects – Feelings of Head High and Jaw Tightness, slightly higher arousal, lessening or left shoulder soreness but most likely due to time span from last workload)
5. 0600: 100mcg – GHRP2 and 100mcg – Mod-29 (Noticeable Effects – None)
Note: Had a crazy Vivid dream about tornados and volcanos.
Wednesday 11/5/2014:
1. 1330: 100mcg – GHRP2 and 100mcg – Mod-29 Upon Waking (Noticeable Effects – Feelings of Head High and Jaw Tightness)
2. 2000: 100mcg – GHRP2 and 100mcg – Mod-29 (Noticeable Effects – Feelings of Head High and Jaw Tightness)
3. 0215: 100mcg – GHRP2 and 100mcg – Mod-29 (Noticeable Effects – Feelings of Head High, heat flush through body and Jaw Tightness.)
4. 0600: 100mcg – GHRP2 and 100mcg – Mod-29 (Noticeable Effects – None)
Thursday 11/6/2014:
1. 1330: 100mcg – GHRP2 and 100mcg – Mod-29 Upon Waking (Noticeable Effects - None)
2. 2000: 100mcg – GHRP2 and 100mcg – Mod-29 (Noticeable Effects – None)
3. 0200: 100mcg – GHRP2 and 100mcg – Mod-29 (Noticeable Effects – None)
4. 0600: 100mcg – GHRP2 and 100mcg – Mod-29 (Noticeable Effects – None)
Friday 11/7/2014:
1. 1330: 2mg – TB500 (0.5 CC Bac Water)
2. 1330: 100mcg – GHRP2 and 100mcg – Mod-29 Upon Waking (Noticeable Effects - None)
3. 0500: 100mcg – GHRP2 and 100mcg – Mod-29 (Noticeable Effects – None)
Sat 11/8/2014:
1. 1400: 100mcg – GHRP2 and 100mcg – Mod-29 Upon Waking (Noticeable Effects - None)
2. 2000: 100mcg – GHRP2 and 100mcg – Mod-29 (Noticeable Effects – None)
3. 0300: 100mcg – GHRP2 and 100mcg – Mod-29 (Noticeable Effects – None)
Sun 11/9
1. 1400: 100mcg – GHRP2 and 100mcg – Mod-29 Upon Waking (Noticeable Effects - None)
2. 2100: 100mcg – GHRP2 and 100mcg – Mod-29 (Noticeable Effects – None)
3. 0300: 100mcg – GHRP2 and 100mcg – Mod-29 (Noticeable Effects – None)
Week 2: Left Shoulder Pain Level – 7 (Starting to hear joint noise in both shoulders that I did not hear before. Could be my mind playing tricks. Low back is extremely tight also. )

Monday 11/10
1. 1330: 100mcg – GHRP2 and 100mcg – Mod-29 Upon Waking (Noticeable Effects - None)
2. 1945: 100mcg – GHRP2 and 100mcg – Mod-29 (Noticeable Effects – None)
3. 0200: 100mcg – GHRP2 and 100mcg – Mod-29 (Noticeable Effects – None)
4. 0600: 100mcg – GHRP2 and 100mcg – Mod-29 (Noticeable Effects – None)

Tuesday 11/11
1. 1330: 2mg – TB500 (1.0 CC Bac Water)
2. 1330: 100mcg – GHRP2 and 100mcg – Mod-29 Upon Waking (Noticeable Effects - None)
3. 2000: 100mcg – GHRP2 and 100mcg – Mod-29 (Noticeable Effects – None)
4. 0200: 100mcg – GHRP2 and 100mcg – Mod-29 (Noticeable Effects – None)
5. 0615: 100mcg – GHRP2 and 100mcg – Mod-29 (Noticeable Effects – None)

Wednesday 11/12
1. Took day off. Have skin irritation from so much pinning. Also have swelling in areas where TB500 was injected yesterday.

Anyone have suggestions as to why the "feelings" have subsided or why I get swelling in the TB500 injection areas?

Everything I have read is that it is systemic and is injected Sub-Q.

I seem to get more sensation from the GHRP and Mod-29 when I inject into the front abdomen area. The idea of sub-q is to get under the fat but not into the muscle correct? I feel like in other areas I have a hard time getting to the right depth but may be overthinking the process.

Let me know guys.
Sub Q, Pinch and lift a fold of skin. Inject into the side of that lifted skin. The goal is to inject between skin and muscle, that all. Dont over complicate it.
This is as I thought. I hope I feel something from this soon. I only seem to be getting more pain and tightness in my joints from this point...

Thursday 11/13
1. 1330: 2mg ***8211; TB500 (1.0 CC Bac Water)
2. 2000: 100mcg ***8211; GHRP2 and 200mcg ***8211; Mod-29 (Noticeable Effects - None)
3. 0200: 100mcg ***8211; GHRP2 and 200mcg ***8211; Mod-29 (Noticeable Effects ***8211; Jaw Tension)
4. 0600: 100mcg ***8211; GHRP2 and 100mcg ***8211; Mod-29 (Noticeable Effects ***8211; None)

Friday 11/14
1. 1330: 100mcg ***8211; GHRP2 and 200mcg ***8211; Mod-29 (Noticeable Effects ***8211; None)
2. Post workout - 2000: 100mcg ***8211; GHRP2 and 200mcg ***8211; Mod-29 (Noticeable Effects - None)
Sat 11/15
Taking break from skin irritation and injection swelling. Pin cushion***8230;
Sun 11/16
Taking break from skin irritation and injection swelling. Pin cushion***8230;

I am currently on day 16. Nothing significant to report besides much irritation in my abdomen around pinning sites. After taking the weekend off I have found the return of the overall wellness sensation minutes after pinning but nothing substantial. Have noticed that the hour after pinning my left shoulder and lower back feel less tight and seem to have less pain. However this returns by a few hours later.

As of 11-28 I finally started to see results of the GHRP-2. I raised the dosage to 300mcg (3x per day) and found that when waking I was extremely ripped.

I have since run out of my stock pile and have seen a quick return to my normal body composition.

Utilizing this protocol for 4 weeks has yielded ZERO results for the shoulder recovery. I have used TB500 before with no results but thought my source may have been the culprit. Now I know my body just doesn't respond to this compound like others have reported.

In my opinion the 4 weeks of rest has provided more relief than the peptides. This is a chronic issue so I have logged progress of rest time before. Nothing differs from previous rest time without these substances.

This may not be true for all but I figured I would share my experience. Healing - not so good. Changes in body composition - Pretty substantial but slow to take effect. Once it does the results are significant.