My GHRP2/Mod GRF 1-29 Log

I have very thick hair, I she'd on cycle a little more then average but you can't tell. Unless it becomes noticeable I wouldn't worry about it. Plus it's not permanent if you aren't meant to be bald, a little Rogaine can fix you right up.
Update 9: Day 23. So tonight I will be switching the ghrp2 to ipamorelin. I've been doing countless research online and I think my hairloss that I am experiencing is due to increased cortisol levels. Now that I think about it I have noticed anxiety while being on GHRP2. The last time I noticed hair loss on a tren cycle was over a year ago and I was struggling through some classes in college. I really think the increase in cortisol here is the cause for my hair loss. Ipamorelin doesn't cause an increase in ACTH or cortisol. I'll be back with an update in a few days.
I didnt expereince what you are re hir with ghrp but I am curious how it goes with Ipam. I havent run it. Will be watching for your update.
Update 10: Day 26. Today I'm dropping the mod grf for about 1.5 weeks or so to help clean up the receptors because your body desensitizes to these compounds. I'll be back on it after 1.5 weeks. I'm still running the ipamorelin though. Will be switching to ghrp6 after 2-3 more weeks on ipamorelin. I've noticed a hell of a lot better sleep on ipamorelin. My dreams are so vivid, it's crazy! These last 2 nights my dreams have felt so freaken real that I wake up and think that I actually did whatever I was doing. Like one of my dreams was about texting this chick about something i can't remember about, but I woke up and thought it was real that I actually checked my phone. It was nuts. I sleep like a baby and don't feel like getting out of bed until late too. It feels so good to sleep in bed. I like ipamorelin so much better already. Hair is still falling out. If it doesn't get better in a week i might drop the cycle entirely until it stops, but I think it will stop soon.

I'm not going to f with finasteride or any of the dht inhibitors. Pros don't outweigh the horrendous permanent side effects from those drugs. I've dealt with this hair loss before and it came back. I just hope that this hair loss isn't caused by a decrease in t4 levels due to increased gh levels from these peps. I was thinking it was caused by either me still recovering from pct or increased cortisol levels. I stopped taking ghrp2 which supposedly increases cortisol so we'll see if that fixes it up in a few days or so.

I was also skeptical about the labeling of my mod grf (1-29). It's called cjc 1293 and only has the ala to d ala amino acid substiution (which is good), but i'm not sure if it contains dac or not. I don't think it does. I researched a lot and if it doesn't contain the dac the half life should only be around 5 minutes, but if it contains the dac the half life is over a week, which is bad. But, analyzing the peptide sequence they gave me it doesn't appear to contain dac. However, in the description on the sources website it says it's a "long acting" ghrh. I'm not sure what to make of that. So that's one of the other reasons why I stopped the mod grf. It might be that this mod grf actually contains dac and I'm suffering a gh bleed which is causing my hair to shed. Either way being off of it for over a week or so will clear all these doubts up hopefully.
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Update 11: Day 29. So I'm still shedding hair and I'm confident that the peptides had nothing to do with it. The eczema on my hand has started to get worse and from what I've gathered online this is due to a hormonal imbalance. Leading me to think I'm still recovering from my last cycle. I'm getting blood work done tomorrow morning to check lh/fsh/test/estradiol etc and will report back with numbers. I'll eventually go back and check my gh levels sometime the week after once I'm back on the mod grf as I'm still only using ipamorelin alone. I'm thinking I'll be back on the mod grf in the next 3-4 days after about a week off. I ordered some n2slin just now and am hoping that it will help me stay even leaner. This is going to be my first run with n2slin and read that it's great to stack with peptides. I've also noticed I've been putting on some fat, but I think that's mainly due to my fluctuating hormone levels as I naturally put on fat after PCT. Can't wait to get these bloods back and see what the hell is really going on. Maybe a second pct is in the making.
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Update 12: So I just got back my blood work. I have fully recovered actually, but my liver enzymes levels are freaking me out. I just ordered some UDCA from RUI to help bring them down. I'm assuming increased testosterone is causing higher DHT conversion which is why I'm shedding hair.

Blood work:
Testosterone, Serum - 961 (348-1197 ng/dL), IM USUALLY AROUND 700
Estradiol - 44.2 (7.6-42.6 pg/mL) THIS IS NORMAL FOR ME
LH - 10.6 (1.7-8.6 mIU/mL)
FSH - 3.1 (1.5-12.4 mIU/mL)

AGT (SGOT) - 43 (0-40 IU/L)
Update 12: So I just got back my blood work. I have fully recovered actually, but my liver enzymes levels are freaking me out. I just ordered some UDCA from RUI to help bring them down. I'm assuming increased testosterone is causing higher DHT conversion which is why I'm shedding hair.

Blood work:
Testosterone, Serum - 961 (348-1197 ng/dL), IM USUALLY AROUND 700
Estradiol - 44.2 (7.6-42.6 pg/mL) THIS IS NORMAL FOR ME
LH - 10.6 (1.7-8.6 mIU/mL)
FSH - 3.1 (1.5-12.4 mIU/mL)

AGT (SGOT) - 43 (0-40 IU/L)

Are you taking any aas now or just got off?
These are not normal peptide related things man. Have you considered you may have gotten hcg?

I took aromasin like a week back. I think they are elevated due to that. I highly doubt it's HCG. My balls would be huge if it was. Last time I ran it they got humongous. If anything 6 weeks into PCT right now I'm actually worried that they are getting smaller, but they aren't. It's definitely not HCG. HCH is much more expensive to sell rather than peptides btw.
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I took aromasin like a week back. I think they are elevated due to that. I highly doubt it's HCG. My balls would be huge if it was. Last time I ran it they got humongous. If anything 6 weeks into PCT right now I'm actually worried that they are getting smaller, but they aren't. It's definitely not HCG. HCH is much more expensive to sell rather than peptides btw.

The doses of hcg that would cause that slight an increase if taking nothing else would be VERY small. Also pharma hcg yeah, china shit hcg with god knows what in it as well, not so much. There was a peptide co that used to sell it dirt freaking cheap btw. LH is up, test is up, liver enzymes up. If you think aromaisn 1 week ago did that to your t levels and so on good bless you Something isnt right and it isnt a dose of aromasin from a week ago bro. I hope u figure it out.
The doses of hcg that would cause that slight an increase if taking nothing else would be VERY small. Also pharma hcg yeah, china shit hcg with god knows what in it as well, not so much. There was a peptide co that used to sell it dirt freaking cheap btw. LH is up, test is up, liver enzymes up. If you think aromaisn 1 week ago did that to your t levels and so on good bless you Something isnt right and it isnt a dose of aromasin from a week ago bro. I hope u figure it out.

It can't be HCG actually. I took endocrinology last quarter and did quite a bit of research on it. HCG doesn't cause the anterior pituitary to secrete more LH. HCG actually has 100x the biological activity of LH so it works directly on the testes to stimulate production of testosterone from the leydig cells. When you are on HCG, LH levels should plummet since the body would send a signal back to the anterior pituitary to stop production of LH. Yeah buddy. Science knowledge ftw!!

I strongly believe that aromasin can increase the numbers like this. My joints were aching last week just taking a small dose of aromasin. When estradiol is shot, ur body has to compensate by increasing more test to convert that test to estrogen, thus you see an increase in LH which makes more test. I've never gotten bloods this quick on PCT though. I usually get them 12 weeks later. If they are still elevated 6 weeks later than something is definitely up. I'm not complaining though. I like seeing the test this high. Makes me feel better about not losing gains on PCT. Plus that was my last ever cycle I will ever be doing. After my endocrinology class last quarter I've decided to never cycle again.
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It can't be HCG actually. I took endocrinology last quarter and did quite a bit of research on it. HCG doesn't cause the anterior pituitary to secrete more LH. HCG actually has 100x the biological activity of LH so it works directly on the testes to stimulate production of testosterone from the leydig cells. When you are on HCG, LH levels should plummet since the body would send a signal back to the anterior pituitary to stop production of LH. Yeah buddy. Science knowledge ftw!!

I strongly believe that aromasin can increase the numbers like this. My joints were aching last week just taking a small dose of aromasin. When estradiol is shot, ur body has to compensate by increasing more test to convert that test to estrogen, thus you see an increase in LH which makes more test. I've never gotten bloods this quick on PCT though. I usually get them 12 weeks later. If they are still elevated 6 weeks later than something is definitely up.

its essentially a LH mimetic, did they teach you in endo class how it shows in bloodwork? Thats what is relevant. I will not pretend i know but thats what your point would be. Like serms arent estrodiol but they show an increase in e in bloodwork. They are selective e recptor modulators (obviously ) which will almost i essence result in a false high e reading. Lh the same -yes / no dont know and dont have bw here to look at on cycle lh when taking hcg.
You think it is pct carry over? same with liver values? cyle of pct carry over? I feel like I am missing some info here. Maybe I need to re read some things cause I thought you were going on cycle at the end of your pep run and werent just coming off cycle or pct. (which is poss with long enough pep run of course)
Also, not being a dick, but I know all about neg feedback etc ;-)
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its essentially a LH mimetic, did they teach you in endo class how it shows in bloodwork? Thats what is relevant. I will not pretend i know but thats what your point would be. Like serms arent estrodiol but they show an increase in e in bloodwork. They are selective e recptor modulators (obviously ) which will almost i essence result in a false high e reading. Lh the same -yes / no dont know and dont have bw here to look at on cycle lh when taking hcg.
You think it is pct carry over? same with liver values? cyle of pct carry over? I feel like I am missing some info here. Maybe I need to re read some things cause I thought you were going on cycle at the end of your pep run and werent just coming off cycle or pct. (which is poss with long enough pep run of course)
Also, not being a dick, but I know all about neg feedback etc ;-)

I also read a post on another board about some guy who had the same issue as me. High test, high fsh, and high lh. He got bloods exactly 6 weeks after PCT just like me. He then said he went back 2-3 weeks later and got them rechecked and they dropped down to normal levels. I think the PCT meds are still working in my system and I just need to give it more time to get them to return back to baseline. I did a side research project on HCG and pregnancy that's how I know a lot about it. It's definitely not HCG when you look at the blood work. My liver values usually is a little elevated even after 3 months of PCT. It's usually around 60. This is almost double and I'm sure it will come down. I ordered UDCA to help.

Just read you are 6 weeks into pct now btw, missed that post. Explains the lh & test right there.

Yup. This is my last PCT ever. I'm done cycling. There is so much more that you can f up when putting in endogenous hormones in your body. It is such a delicate system. Peps in my eyes are ok since you aren't messing with any feedback systems.
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So my hair shedding is still going strong. Do you guys think it's because of my higher than normal test levels (blood work in previous post) that's causing the hair loss (more test converting to dht) or do you think the peps could be contributing to hair shedding?
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Well I'm dropping the cycle indefinitely today. I started back up on the mod grf about 3-4 days ago and the hair loss has just exponentially exploded. I'm freaking out about my hair. Hopefully stopping the peptides will stop it. Once it stops and grows back I'll ll be back on. But, until then this log is indefinitely suspended.
I wish I had answers for you bro. Please do update after pep cessation and lets us know but then again if its the test and that will come down it may be hard to isolate. Strange circumstance you got here man. Sorry about that bro.