TB500 Shelf life question


New member
Alright guys, so I just received enough TB500 for a couple of months. Will it be ok if I keep it in my closet? Obviously it will be dry and not hot in there lol. Or should I leave it in the fridge the whole time and just reconstitute it before use.
I'd refrigerate if that is an option. It'll probably be ok unreconstituted in your closet, but it's not going to hurt to refrigerate.
I also have read that once reconstituted, TB500 is only good for 8 days in the fridge. I have a 10mg vile and when used at 5mg per week the first and last injection would be 14 days apart. Will the peptide be ok? Should I load the needles and freeze them? Any input would be greatly appreciated.
I also have read that once reconstituted, TB500 is only good for 8 days in the fridge. I have a 10mg vile and when used at 5mg per week the first and last injection would be 14 days apart. Will the peptide be ok? Should I load the needles and freeze them? Any input would be greatly appreciated.

My understanding is that reconstituted TB begins to degrade after about a week. Which is why, for me, the 5mg vial is ideal. However, I would NOT throw out the 10mg reconstituted vial simply because it's been in the fridge a couple of weeks.

BTW, unreconstituted TB is fairly stable, and really doesn't need to be refrigerated. If you are going to keep if in the long term (several months to a year or longer), then I'd probably play it safe and put in the freezer. But if just in the short term (a few months) then you should be g2g in a place like the medicine cabinet.