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I have problems with my shoulders like a MF. Feels more like connective tissue problem than the joints themselves. Anyone have any experience with TB500 for joints and conn. tissue?
Man I have a log that is in this very section. I definitely recommend TB500. As skeptical as I was it definitely helped a nagging rotator cuff injury I had going for months without relief. Look for my log or pm me with any questions you might have bro. Jimi
link to my log: steroidology.com/forum/peptide-science/635020-jimis-rui-tb-500-log.html

Jimi's right. TB works. I'm an older bull, and I keep a small quanity on hand in anticipation of the next injury. My first cycle was 14mg spread over six weeks. "Cured" my tendonitis (really just went into remission) and my shoulder pains. Now I'm lifting heavy again on bench and military press. Something i could not do before TB. My tendonitis is a different thing. I reallly like old school reverse curls, but I don't trust it, even if it doesn't hurt, so now just light weights with really high reps. Very slowly over time i will add weight, and reduce reps. for now, im just trying to strenthgen the tendon.

Good luck!
I haven't tried personally but Vibram has a log up on LabPE's TB500. I hear good things about research with it.
I don't know if it's all in my head but today my shoulders didn't give me all that much trouble. Another 2mg tomorrow.
Just took the other 2mg and some crazy shit happened. I must have knicked a vein or something b/c after I injected the second shoulder major head rush. Almost felt like a panic attack, sweating too but only lasted a minute or two. Minor pip from this vial. I think I'll stick to the abdomen from here on.
I will buy more of this stuff asap. Made it all the way thru shoulders today for the first time in a long time. Labpe is where I purchased mine and they have a great product at a great price for anyone interested.
I will buy more of this stuff asap. Made it all the way thru shoulders today for the first time in a long time. Labpe is where I purchased mine and they have a great product at a great price for anyone interested.
Good deal, thank you for updating - what's the tentative budget for TB4 - ~$100 deliver value?
I will buy more of this stuff asap. Made it all the way thru shoulders today for the first time in a long time. Labpe is where I purchased mine and they have a great product at a great price for anyone interested.

Labpe is an awesome company. I did 6mg everyweek of tb 500 for 5 weeks and now I do 4 mg a month and it has helped me keep going in my workouts even with tendonitis.
Will the tb500 help with a trapezious strain? I sit in front of a computer all day and it hurts where my neck meets my shoulders. Been 8 weeks and it hurts now the same as it did 8 weeks ago. Any advise appreciated..