Tendon surgery recovery and prescription steroid


New member
Hi everyone - i just had surgery last friday to repair a distal tendon rupture in my biceps and looking for advice from the knowledgeable folks in this great forum. A little background abt myself: 29 years old 5'11 175 lbs 6% bodyfat. I cross train 6 to 7 days a week and it took me years of intense training to get the lean body i have always wanted.
3 weeks ago i completely tore my biceps tendon at the elbow and had surgery last week. It is a very frustrating injury with a3 to 6 month recovery process. Since i dont have a lot of body fat to lose muscle atrophy has already kicked in and i can only imagine how much muscle i will lose by the time i start lufting heavy again in 6 months.
I did some research and saw that drugs like oxandrin (anavar) can be prescribed for muscle loss. I am thinking about asking my surgeon or primary doctor to prescribe it to me. Do you think they will accept? Is it wirth me asking? Any other steroud anyone can suggest can be prescribed?
I am already depressed with the muscle loss, so i appreciate any help or advice.
P.s: never taken any steroids ; only protein, pre workouts, fush oil, flaxseed, etc
I don't think any doctor would prescribe you anavar or any steroid for that matter for that purpose. It makes you sound like a juicehead just looking for gear. If you had low testosterone that would be a different story. But they would never give you anavar or anything like that.
Hi everyone - i just had surgery last friday to repair a distal tendon rupture in my biceps and looking for advice from the knowledgeable folks in this great forum. A little background abt myself: 29 years old 5'11 175 lbs 6% bodyfat. I cross train 6 to 7 days a week and it took me years of intense training to get the lean body i have always wanted.
3 weeks ago i completely tore my biceps tendon at the elbow and had surgery last week. It is a very frustrating injury with a3 to 6 month recovery process. Since i dont have a lot of body fat to lose muscle atrophy has already kicked in and i can only imagine how much muscle i will lose by the time i start lufting heavy again in 6 months.
I did some research and saw that drugs like oxandrin (anavar) can be prescribed for muscle loss. I am thinking about asking my surgeon or primary doctor to prescribe it to me. Do you think they will accept? Is it wirth me asking? Any other steroud anyone can suggest can be prescribed?
I am already depressed with the muscle loss, so i appreciate any help or advice.
P.s: never taken any steroids ; only protein, pre workouts, fush oil, flaxseed, etc

If you have an understanding doctor he/she should have no problem prescribing oxandrin. It's primary use is for wasting (hiv, post surgery, etc). If you mention that you have also "lost your appetite" this will only increase your odds on getting your rx.

My father in law had a stroke a fews ago and his doc prescribed oxandrin to increase his weight. Good luck brother..
i too have had surgery to repair connective tissue (ligaments in knees) and have had horrible atrophy in my quads/hams.... i wanna try some hgh to help with collegen synthesis and build up cartilidge in them, also help with the atrophy.ive been dealing with bum knees for about 3 yrs and have asked several drs if they could prescribe me a low dose of deca & test to deal w/ the atrophy and they told me its not prescribed for cases like mine. i even asked for anavar. the only thing these docs were quick to offer was vicodin and NSAIDs . anyway, i do have High BP due to my limited mobility for 3 yrs. my question is, does HGH jack up your BP really high? or is it manageable? any help would be a big help, thanks!!
i too have had surgery to repair connective tissue (ligaments in knees) and have had horrible atrophy in my quads/hams.... i wanna try some hgh to help with collegen synthesis and build up cartilidge in them, also help with the atrophy.ive been dealing with bum knees for about 3 yrs and have asked several drs if they could prescribe me a low dose of deca & test to deal w/ the atrophy and they told me its not prescribed for cases like mine. i even asked for anavar. the only thing these docs were quick to offer was vicodin and NSAIDs . anyway, i do have High BP due to my limited mobility for 3 yrs. my question is, does HGH jack up your BP really high? or is it manageable? any help would be a big help, thanks!!

Ok do the research on this answer for your self and by no meens take what I say as advice telling you what to do! PLEASE

There are studys that are easily searched via your favorite search engine that claim blood pressure actually lowers on hgh! ( I AM NO DOCTOR)

But I would recomend you do some research on the issue!
Ok do the research on this answer for your self and by no meens take what I say as advice telling you what to do! PLEASE

There are studys that are easily searched via your favorite search engine that claim blood pressure actually lowers on hgh! ( I AM NO DOCTOR)

But I would recomend you do some research on the issue!

thanks! i'll do some more research on it and ask my new dr as well.... he doesnt like it when i go on cycles but always provides me with blood work and keeps a close eye on everything.....thank goodness for patient confidentiality! i guess my last resort will be to get on a low dose of blood pressure meds.