Tensity Before and After pics


Well-known member
I wanted to post these pics of a good friend and board member - 'Tensity.

He's competing in the colorado state championships today, so lets give him some support.

The man did everything i wanted him to do and from the pics you can see he put the work in. Its not easy going from 285 lb @ 19% to 240 lb @ 4.25% in the course of 16 weeks.

Hell thats a lose of 45 lb of Fat with no lose of LBM-

I'm so proud of you and hope we pull out the win today!!!

First pic is @ 14 weeks -
Other two are from Yesterday

And for everyone that asked me in my diet thread what happens when you bust your ass and eat right. This is it right here.
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I give the man props! Big change could hardly see the pecs in the first pics!
What position did he take?

good luck to the bro!
Well i just got off the phone with him.....

He Won the Novice Heavyweight and placed 3rd in the Superheavyweight in the Open Division.
dammnn...great work. What did his diet consist of and what was he taking? Thats an awesome job and even more so in such short time.
Excellent transformation and congrats on your placing. You look incredible. Props to you to Dirkmoneyshot.
As for his diet - Nothing really unusual, we pretty much kept his protein high - moderate to high carbs and Low Fat.

As the weeks went on we made adjustments to his carbs along with cardio, thermogenics. This kept him progressing all through the diet.

Nothing but the basics really along with hard work.
Congrats to Tensity and Dirkmoneyshot!

The end product was one lean, mean, big dude.

The Super Heavy class was one of the best I've seen at the state level in a LONG time. No one was fat, everyone was huge and ripped. A bit more muscle and Tensity will be winning this show with his condition!
Crimson Ghost said:
Congrats to Tensity and Dirkmoneyshot!

The end product was one lean, mean, big dude.

The Super Heavy class was one of the best I've seen at the state level in a LONG time. No one was fat, everyone was huge and ripped. A bit more muscle and Tensity will be winning this show with his condition!

Thanks for the comments CG, that was a TOUGH class for sure.

Thanks everyone for your feedback, it means a lot. I lost the Novice overall by one point - ahhhhhh!

As you can from the progress pics (thanks for that DMS, lol!) I got a little carried away in the offseason. I started the official prep at 285 @ 19% but was up to 301 @ 20% at one time. That won't happen again cuz it just makes too much damn work during the prep, gotta stay leaner year long.

As far as the diet Dirk is right, just basics, nothing crazy, never dropped much kcals overall, offset that with upped cardio and thermos. I just put it on autopilot and did EXACTLY what Dirk told me to do, the man is an evil genius. Thanks bro, given where I started we did some great work!

Couple of show shots:
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Crimson Ghost said:
Good write up Skip.

I woke up Sat morning ready to test judge but got the call from our head judge that I was going to actually judge this show. I was happy and also nervous about it.

Yes, we got there @ 8am and it was hot already. Unfortunately I cannot drink as much water as I'd like to because I can't get up and take a piss whenver I feel like it. I took a shower before we went to prejudging in the morning, took another shower before we came back for the night show and took another at 2:30am when we finally got home. I haven't sweated that much, overall, in I don't know how long.

Tensity looked awesome! He's a tall guy and needs to add more size but he was lean and mean. I'll let him say what he placed and all. He competed in the supers against your guy, Skip, and Jerry Murray took the class and overall. Tensity's condition goes to show that Dirkmoneyshot knows what he's doing and belongs in the Roundtable.

I got this quote from another board
Dang, I think that's the first time I've been quoted from one board to another. Seriously, Tensity looked great. I actually had Tensity down for the Novice overall because I thought the guy that actually won the novice overall was a bit smooth and his color was off.

No doubt Tensity will be winning these shows in no time. I was actually surprised that he was a novice. Hope I get to hang and talk to you more in the future Tensity.

Dirk: After seeing Tensity's before and after pics, AND seeing his condition from the judges table I can see that you are truly a "guru". :bowdown: You deserve your spot on the roundtable at IM. Before this contest I had never heard of you before so I'm glad I know what you're capable of now. Hope I get to meet you later this year!