test 250 help newbie


New member
im 28 6'1" 165lbs 7% fat. my diet, morning is 4egg whites bowl of wheat cereal w banana and 6 strawberries. pills, fish oil, multi vitamins, 12oz orange juice, 20oz water, 2 hrs later brown rice bag of tuna hand full of beef jerky, two hrs later steak and sweet potatoes, w a yogert, 2 hrs later, sandwich 1/4lb turkey, 2 hrs later, same as second meal 2hrs later same as 3dr meal, anyhow I don't know what I really need to be eating, im wanting to gain 20 to 30 lbs of lean muscle.
But the main thing im having issues with, and I know I should have done more research before starting injections, but I cant go back two weeks in time, so here I am looking for some expert, and first hand personal advice. I started 1cc test in my arm sat morning 8th then on Monday night 10th then fri 14th then Monday the 17th yesterday, I know now I started to much and in the wrong place. the night before my last injection I had a hard time sleeping, and lastnight seemed a little bit worse kept waking up sweating with a raging hard on, w vivid dreams, and im expecting the next week to be about the same maybe worse, after my injection yesterday,, I was told if im wanting to go this route is to take full cc in butt twice week and stack with deca or dbal, also im feeling this way because I did it in my arm (quicker release) should have been butt (slower release), and started w 1/2cc twice a week and not a full one twice a week, to gradually get to full cc, after 3 or 4 weeks. now the problem is if I should completely stop or do 1/2cc in butt twice a week or full cc twice a week. another thing if I should b worried or not, I think my levels of test are threw the roof, I feel like I want to do a back flip all day or just go back to the gym extreme energy, don't know how to check blood pressure, but my heart rate when I went to the gym earlier, 3 min walking on tread mill started at 125 after was 131 or so, normal walking speed, feel I need to chill out, so if anyone has experienced this or has any advice just throw it out there please.

thank you, newbie.
I honestly think you should stop the cycle do the pct and then plan this out better.
dont waste a cycle.
Please dont take this as an insult but at 6'1 and 165lbs there is something not right with your diet.
Im 6'0 and I would look like a pole at 165. And why the cardio, it doesnt sound like you need it.

anyway the dreams and restless sleep is common so dont worry to much about that.
I first yiu need to hit enter and space out the posts.

Second start your pct in 2 weeks and reboot. You have kinda messed it up and need to start over. Your diet is light a d so is your ass.

Need to bulk. Pm me ill help ya.
for a max heart rate of 125-131 you haven't even hit your MHR yet, I am 46 5'8 193-195 lbs, an my MHR is 146 mild walk to 165 at a steady jog,
Dude, cut out the cardio. You are already skinny enough. Eat everything in sight, because you are clearly not eating remotely enough as is, let alone on test...

As JD408 said, you are wasting this cycle. Not to be harsh, but these are your hormones that control functions that help you live. Using steroids takes maturity and at least a simple foundation for what you are doing.
Bro, listen to everyone else. I'll say this, everyone up there wants you to be at least 190ish before you start since you're 6ft. Here's my advice. When you decide to go on cycle you need to go big. Big in everything. Big when you're working your job to save up money strictly for groceries, big when you plan out your diet and stick to it no matter what, big when you hit the gym, big when you wake up at 4am to get a protein shake before you get back to bed. Big in everything man.

The first cycle i did was a ph cycle. I went from 184-210 prolly because my receptors were shocked and never experienced something like a ph before, but mainly because I ate and trained like an animal. I stopped going out, completely cut out booze, went to the gym 6 days a week for 2 hrs, dropped the cardio and most importantly made sure I ate. I prepared food every night for the next day so I could take it with me in the morning. You gotta be dedicated. I personally followed at diet similar to this and because of my metabolism gained very little bf and actually dropped at few %.


There are a lot of people on this site that can help you out with your diet, lay it out for them AFTER you've done the research and people will tweak it. Good luck!
it wont let me pm,


and yall are right I should have a bit of knowledge about what im injecting in my body, and doing it the safe route, and noobs like me is what gives steroids a bad name..

ill take what ya throw at me, but I am here for help now, so im at step one now.
Pct is post cycle therapy and a way to expedite that recovery process for your body's natural production of test. When you go on cycle your, it suppresses your test and in order to recover as quick as possibly you do a post cycle therapy (pct). It usually consists of clomid and or nolva for about 4 weeks.
ok so stop what a got now? for two weeks then start a pct.

And usually? should it be an exact dose of clomid or nolva? where to get it? how much ? and 4 weeks?
Bro, listen to everyone else. I'll say this, everyone up there wants you to be at least 190ish before you start since you're 6ft. Here's my advice. When you decide to go on cycle you need to go big. Big in everything. Big when you're working your job to save up money strictly for groceries, big when you plan out your diet and stick to it no matter what, big when you hit the gym, big when you wake up at 4am to get a protein shake before you get back to bed. Big in everything man.

The first cycle i did was a ph cycle. I went from 184-210 prolly because my receptors were shocked and never experienced something like a ph before, but mainly because I ate and trained like an animal. I stopped going out, completely cut out booze, went to the gym 6 days a week for 2 hrs, dropped the cardio and most importantly made sure I ate. I prepared food every night for the next day so I could take it with me in the morning. You gotta be dedicated. I personally followed at diet similar to this and because of my metabolism gained very little bf and actually dropped at few %.


There are a lot of people on this site that can help you out with your diet, lay it out for them AFTER you've done the research and people will tweak it. Good luck!

abcbodybuilding I should start asking questions there and not here?
also id like to get on a better diet than "eat everything you see" don't sound healthy and pretty broad. ill just try and eat 20 or 30 hamburgers a day from mcdonalds, kidding.

I got to 180 fast eating a lot of crap all the time, but I want to be healthy in the process.
also id like to get on a better diet than "eat everything you see" don't sound healthy and pretty broad. ill just try and eat 20 or 30 hamburgers a day from mcdonalds, kidding.

I got to 180 fast eating a lot of crap all the time, but I want to be healthy in the process.

Thats crazy cos it took me a LONG time to get to 180. Ive always had a crazy fast metabolism. Once, I broke the 200lb barrier and got to 210 I somehow was able to put on muscle much quicker than before. IMO as long as you're eating CLEAN, you shouldn't worry about health, I followed that diet and got to 212. My dad's a physician and I got blood work done. Everything came out perfect. In fact I was healthier than before I started the diet. The reason being is because I was training like an animal 5-6 days a week for months and cut out alcohol and all the crap i was eating before lol. Bodybuilding is a great way to get healthy and for that it's something that Im going to do for the rest of my life.
RUI is a great place to start. Check out the banner at the top of the page for all your pct needs.

4 weeks clomid dosed at 100/50/50/25 should be fine. You can also throw in some nolva but prolly not necessary