Test 400 and Prop cycle HELP!


New member
Recently started my T400 and Prop cycle, My test is made by Atlas it consist of 100mg Cypionate/ml 100mg enanthate/ml 200mg decanoate/ml Im pinning 1ml every Monday and Thursday. My Prop is 100mg/ml (Also made by Atlas) and im pinning eod 1ml. I only started my cycle a week ago and wont have any Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) till my second week, Il be using amiridex for my post cycle therapy (pct). Main question, is this a good cycle? How much Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) should i be doing and how often? and when should I start my post cycle therapy (pct)? And thoughts of taking some oral Winstrol (winny) pills but not sure when to start them. Any help would be greatly appreciated.