Test A, Tren A, Mast P, Winny


New member
This is my third cycle and I was wondering what my PCT should include and if my dosages are alright. I am 6'1 205 lbs 15% BF. I'm cutting and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestion for my cycle. It will be short, only 8 weeks. I am Winstrol and a TMT mixture so if one of the TMT doses goes up or down they all do.

80mg Test A EoD weeks 1-8
80mg Tren A EoD weeks 1-8
80mg Mast P EoD weeks 1-8
50mg Winstrol ED weeks 2,3,4

I have these items to run during/after cycle
Arimidex 1 mg tabs take .5mg EOD for 12 weeks

Nolvadex 25mg tabs weeks 8-12

Liquid Oral Clomid 50mg/ml 8-12

HCG - 5000 IU bottles 500 IU per week

are my dosages for my TMT and winny okay? also any tweaking for my pct?
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You should up the tren and run it longer than 8 weeks. Cant comment on pct i dont do that anymore stack looks good though.
Sorry I copy pasted this post and edited it from when I made it somewhere else and also put down that I had Letro for kicking gyno.
What should I up it to? it's my first time running tren, is 100mg EOD good?

Ya 100 eod is the lowest id recommend not that its a huge difference from 80 but 100 is perfect for first time. You will love it daily changes after about 4 pinns. Keep estro low you will grow lean if its legit tren
Ya 100 eod is the lowest id recommend not that its a huge difference from 80 but 100 is perfect for first time. You will love it daily changes after about 4 pinns. Keep estro low you will grow lean if its legit tren

Thank you for the advice, also is it okay that the mast and test will go up to 100 also? like i said the tren mast and test are mixed together
Thank you for the advice, also is it okay that the mast and test will go up to 100 also? like i said the tren mast and test are mixed together
Ya thats actually better but i wasnt gonna say anything those doses were fine either way. I like my tren on the higher side but for your first run i think its perfect.