Test Blend/Deca/Anadrol/LR3??


New member
So basics,
I'm 24 been on since 21-22, I cruise on 200-250mg a week. I am 5-11-6'0. Not sure body fat now but it is low low, I am 187lbs right now, just did a small cut, was 198lbs at 9.8%(BodPod) before cut. So I would say a good bit lower than 9. I have ran a good amount of compounds some during a 10 week test trial to see short esters and how my body liked them (I like to try for myself). I hold almost no water no matter what I run but have never run anadrol, so water retention might be good for me. Only side effect I have ever had was gyno when I was running tren ace at 100mg a day for 6-8 weeks, the prami I had was bunk and the gyno literally popped up in about the last 3 days.

So new cycle
1-14 test blend 450mg/ml 2ml/week
1-14 Deca 200mg/ml 2ml/week
1-4 Anadrol 50mg/day
1-14 Arimidex .5mg/EOD
Prami if needed/Or Noveldex 20mg/ED (Your opinions on which is best)
LR3 (Never ran it, thought of running HCG 500iu twice a week, weeks 1-14, then 4-6 weeks on clomid and noveldex and using the LR3 to keep some gains while I do my first PCT in almost 2 years on, Or just running it on cycle weeks 4-8, or 8-12 then continuing to cruise, Your thoughts??)

I know I put a lot, and random questions throughout, Just answer what you can or want or say what you'd like, Criticism is accepted either way.
Trying to pct in 2 years of using gear is going to be difficult. Good luck with that. A 4 week pct might not do it. As far as doing a pct while cruising is pointless. Tren causing gyno isn't accurate either. You probably didn't manage your estrogen levels. Prami would be recommended with a 19-nor not nolvadex. You got a lot going on that you don't really understand much about at your age. If u don't recover u might be pinning test for life...
Was saying I might do a PCT and recover, or try to. Or I would just go back to cruising. Tren definitely caused my gyno, Was only on 500 mg's of test a week and E2 levels were checked twice and were dead on perfect at a tab and a half (.25m tabs of arimidex) Ive seen a lot of old school guy talk about the benefits of noveldex when running high as shit deca, Buddy runs it every cycle and hes on 1.5g of deca right now with no problems, I will probably use the prami, Although I still don't kow his reasoning but it works for him, was just kind of curious why. I don't Care if I have to be on trt for the rest of my life, I work as model/ kinda and this life already pays my bills.

So you suggestion, No PCT, Run Prami (unless I can get caber might do that), and keep E2 perfect.
Does your buddys have bloodwork to back up their claims? Tren doesn't cause gyno...

I'm not saying u shouldn't pct. All I was saying is running clomid and nolva on cycle is pointless. I would try a pct if I were u...
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