So basics,
I'm 24 been on since 21-22, I cruise on 200-250mg a week. I am 5-11-6'0. Not sure body fat now but it is low low, I am 187lbs right now, just did a small cut, was 198lbs at 9.8%(BodPod) before cut. So I would say a good bit lower than 9. I have ran a good amount of compounds some during a 10 week test trial to see short esters and how my body liked them (I like to try for myself). I hold almost no water no matter what I run but have never run anadrol, so water retention might be good for me. Only side effect I have ever had was gyno when I was running tren ace at 100mg a day for 6-8 weeks, the prami I had was bunk and the gyno literally popped up in about the last 3 days.
So new cycle
1-14 test blend 450mg/ml 2ml/week
1-14 Deca 200mg/ml 2ml/week
1-4 Anadrol 50mg/day
1-14 Arimidex .5mg/EOD
Prami if needed/Or Noveldex 20mg/ED (Your opinions on which is best)
LR3 (Never ran it, thought of running HCG 500iu twice a week, weeks 1-14, then 4-6 weeks on clomid and noveldex and using the LR3 to keep some gains while I do my first PCT in almost 2 years on, Or just running it on cycle weeks 4-8, or 8-12 then continuing to cruise, Your thoughts??)
I know I put a lot, and random questions throughout, Just answer what you can or want or say what you'd like, Criticism is accepted either way.
I'm 24 been on since 21-22, I cruise on 200-250mg a week. I am 5-11-6'0. Not sure body fat now but it is low low, I am 187lbs right now, just did a small cut, was 198lbs at 9.8%(BodPod) before cut. So I would say a good bit lower than 9. I have ran a good amount of compounds some during a 10 week test trial to see short esters and how my body liked them (I like to try for myself). I hold almost no water no matter what I run but have never run anadrol, so water retention might be good for me. Only side effect I have ever had was gyno when I was running tren ace at 100mg a day for 6-8 weeks, the prami I had was bunk and the gyno literally popped up in about the last 3 days.
So new cycle
1-14 test blend 450mg/ml 2ml/week
1-14 Deca 200mg/ml 2ml/week
1-4 Anadrol 50mg/day
1-14 Arimidex .5mg/EOD
Prami if needed/Or Noveldex 20mg/ED (Your opinions on which is best)
LR3 (Never ran it, thought of running HCG 500iu twice a week, weeks 1-14, then 4-6 weeks on clomid and noveldex and using the LR3 to keep some gains while I do my first PCT in almost 2 years on, Or just running it on cycle weeks 4-8, or 8-12 then continuing to cruise, Your thoughts??)
I know I put a lot, and random questions throughout, Just answer what you can or want or say what you'd like, Criticism is accepted either way.