Hey guys, just wanted to see what you thought about my third cycle.
Current Stats:
27 yrs old
Probably 13% body fat if i had to estimate
Im thinking about running the compounds listed above. Tren A, Test C and Anadrol - this is my first time with tren, so opted for tren a
This is how i hope to run it:
Weeks 1-12 Test C: 300mg p/week 3x pin, mon/thurs/sun
Weeks 1-12 Tren A: 400mg p/week 3x pin (tried for almost every other day), mon/thurs/sun
Weeks 1-6 Anadrol: 50mg p/day
HCG throughout cycle, 500 iu e3d
Caber or prami (not entirely sure about dosages)
PCT: 4 weeks
Clomid 100/100/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20
I guess im just wondering if this is safe cycle, chose tren a if sides are bad i can drop it easily.
Is this enough tren/test? I read that test should be lower, by roughly 25%, are these dosages okay? If they are a little higher or lower in the same ratio, would this be okay aswell?
previous cycles i ran test e 500p/week. and second cycle was test e 600 p/week and dbol 50mg/day.
Current Stats:
27 yrs old
Probably 13% body fat if i had to estimate
Im thinking about running the compounds listed above. Tren A, Test C and Anadrol - this is my first time with tren, so opted for tren a
This is how i hope to run it:
Weeks 1-12 Test C: 300mg p/week 3x pin, mon/thurs/sun
Weeks 1-12 Tren A: 400mg p/week 3x pin (tried for almost every other day), mon/thurs/sun
Weeks 1-6 Anadrol: 50mg p/day
HCG throughout cycle, 500 iu e3d
Caber or prami (not entirely sure about dosages)
PCT: 4 weeks
Clomid 100/100/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20
I guess im just wondering if this is safe cycle, chose tren a if sides are bad i can drop it easily.
Is this enough tren/test? I read that test should be lower, by roughly 25%, are these dosages okay? If they are a little higher or lower in the same ratio, would this be okay aswell?
previous cycles i ran test e 500p/week. and second cycle was test e 600 p/week and dbol 50mg/day.