Test Cyp/ Anavar Cycle- Neet Some Advice


New member
Hello Everyone,

Im new to the site so let me know if I'm missing some thing out or you guys need more info. Im looking to do my secound cycle(first time pinning) i have most of the gear on hand and ready to go. I have a good clean diet. I need some help with my PCT

Weight: 192 lbs
Height: 5'8
BF%: 12

weeks 1-12: 500mg test cyp/ Per week...pinning twice(250mg) a week on monday and thursday
weeks 6-12: 40mg var (just some opinions..Should i start var first half or second half of my cycle?)

I have clomid and nolva on hand. Im not sure when to start taking it or how much should i be taking. I heard of people taking it before their cycle ends, right after, or a couple weeks after. Not sure what would be best for me. Also what do you guys think about an AI. I would like to be as safe as possible. How would i incorporate that into my cycle or maybe my PCT. Like i said before I'm new to this. Let me know if I'm missing something out. Appreciate any help.
Welcome to ology read this thread and all its links:

You are really to young to be using AAS. Yout endocrine system isn't fully developed yet. The age recomended here is 25.

You cycled before but no test. What type of cycle?

Need blood work pre, mid and post cycle

You need to run an AI on cycle to control your e2.

You should be running HCG to promote a easier recovery

PCT starts 16 to 21 days after last pin.

READ THAT THEAD AND ALL ITS LINKS. Your going to hear that over and over. Do yourself a favor and read it.
Very educational
I have been reading a lot and doing research. i would just like some personal opinions and some verification. i have taken a var only cycle before. i know i know not a greatest idea. how much should i take during my cycle and for how long? And how should i cycle in my PCT? Besides this any suggestions or recommendation on my cycle. Thanks
We don't spoon feed around here. Well, I dont. So read that link. Your head might start hurting and your eyes might get sore but you'll be ok.
guys I'm asking for advice....For an AI i decided on a arimidex..from what i understand not every one needs it so people do not incorporate them in their cycles..or people only use then when they feel symptoms of gyno during their cycle..this is what i find confusing and don't know how to incorporate it into my cycle...this is my first time using test so i do not know how prone i am to gyno but i rather be safe which is why I'm asking you guys..as for my hcg i plan on taking 250iu twice a week starting my 3rd week in my cycle up until my last pinn... for my pct i have nova and climid..starting week 14 clomid @50mg ed for 4 weeks and nolva@20 mg a day for 3 weeks...any suggestions
guys I'm asking for advice....For an AI i decided on a arimidex..from what i understand not every one needs it so people do not incorporate them in their cycles..or people only use then when they feel symptoms of gyno during their cycle..this is what i find confusing and don't know how to incorporate it into my cycle...this is my first time using test so i do not know how prone i am to gyno but i rather be safe which is why I'm asking you guys..as for my hcg i plan on taking 250iu twice a week starting my 3rd week in my cycle up until my last pinn... for my pct i have nova and climid..starting week 14 clomid @50mg ed for 4 weeks and nolva@20 mg a day for 3 weeks...any suggestions

Waiting until you get gyno to use the AI is really stupid. That's like waiting until you get into a wreck to put your seat belt on. Waiting 6 weeks for blood work to tell you if you need it is something else though. Either take a low dose from the beginning or wait for your blood work, but don't wait for gyno symptoms.

You really are way too young for this shit though.