Test cyp and inj dbol cycle!!


New member
Hi guys newbie here,

Ive done cycles before but I got misguided by a trusted person and was a fool to listen!

I am going to run test cyp and inj dbol for 8-10weeks and just wanted some clear and sound advice on my cycle and best and proper way to pct. Everytime I speak to people everyone comes out with different versions, or nolva/clomid is not the best thing to use; and I just wanted to find out the proven way to do it.

My plan was

Test Cyp
WEEK 1 - 500mg
WEEK 2 - 100mg
WEEK 3 - 2000mg
WEEK 4 - 2500mg
WEEK 5 - 2500mg
WEEK 6 - 2000mg
WEEK 7 - 1250mg
WEEK 8 - 750mg
WEEK 9 - 500mg
WEEK 10 - 250mg

Dbol - 25mg everyday, last jab 24hrs before pct as it has a 24hr shelf life

1000iu hcg per week for 2 weeks before cycle

500iu hcg 2x a week throughout the cycle

500iu hcg for 1 week 14 days after last last jab
750 oed 1 week
1000iu mon/wedne/fri for 1 week
1500iu mon/wed/fri 1 week

Clomid day 1 200mg/ Nolva 40g
clomid 100mg/Nolva 40g for 10 days
Clomid 50g/Nolva 20g for 10days

Right so what do you guys think?

Do you really need to clomid/nolva if you don't get any symptoms of high oestrogen levels? I was told that when doing pct only use the clomid/nolva if you feel you need to?

Also should I take armidex throughout my cycle? or only if symptoms (itchy tits) occur? Is it good to take AI armidex throughout pct???

I may be way off track here so please don't crucify me. I would really appreciate your advice guys. unfortunately ive been lead up the garden by people who apparently "know there shit" and its cost me. So before I begin my next cycle I want to make sure im doing it right.

Thanks you for reading this
Mr B
Hi guys appreciate to responses. Ive tried the two compounds together before with no side effects.

Ok so the cycle looks horrific, is it the two compounds or the dosage? Sorry but I was going on the advice of a ex competitive bodybuilder saying its better to load up??

Ok so ive establish as my gut told me that this guy don't know much. Ive currently got the two compounds, what would you recommend as a cycle?

I have done previous cycles with pct protocol and good success. But then got lead down a wrong path.

Again guys would be great to have some guidance on this

Whoa. Why are your dosages all over the place? And what the hell going up to 2.5gs???

Dude keep it simple. Run the test cyp 500mg per week for the entire ten weeks. Drop the dbol.
There is absolutely no need to keep switching up the dosages like you mentioned. Pick a dose and stick with it. For the duration. Test cyp should be ran for a minimum of 12wks.

HCG from day 1 to be stopped before PCT at 250iu twice per week.

You'll need an AI as well to manage estrogen.

PCT: nolva 40/40/20/20 and clomid 50/50/25/25.
I was being told by an ex competitive bodybuilder to ramp up then come back down!!! like I said I was foolish and got blinded. That's why I appreciate your guys help putting me back on track : )
I don't think its a great idea to take cycle advice from a competitive bb unless u are a competitive bb. So many crazy threads going on with noobs posting crazy shit that some big bber told them.
Hey DreDay thanks for that!

What do you think about hcg for two weeks prior to starting cycle? Also in terms of AI I would take armidex or bd aromasin how much should I take throughout the course? Also should I take the AI during PCT?

Lastly what your thoughts about the injectable dbol?

Thanks bud really appreciate your thoughts
Hey tbonexl, that is so true, he was a friend for sometime and used to compete so thought he knew his stuff. Big mistake
Best thing for u to do is research. U have too many noob questions to be starting a cycle. Sure, i can tell u what u should do but then u wont know why.
Hey DreDay thanks for that!

What do you think about hcg for two weeks prior to starting cycle? Also in terms of AI I would take armidex or bd aromasin how much should I take throughout the course? Also should I take the AI during PCT?

Lastly what your thoughts about the injectable dbol?

Thanks bud really appreciate your thoughts

I prefer aro over adex personally but thats me. Inj dbol will be effective but you will be pinning ED. That shit gets old after a while. Plus your dbol dose is low
Ive done some digging and Ive spoken with a endo, so ive got more info on what steroids do, how they work in the body and what blood work shows etc. Since being a bit stupid and listening to others I went about researching just few things im little confused on.

I understand that ai is a oestrogen suppressor just not sure wether its required during cycle if no sides and or its worth taking during pct? I understand that clomid/nolva are to block oestrogen so I take it there would be no need for the AI in pct especially as no need for hcg. Just im one of those guys who needs reassurance that im on the right path.

Then other thing Im not sure of why dbol would not be good with test cyp?

I would not start a cycle till im sure of everything, just would like help expanded my knowledge, so all the info would be most helpful!
Hey DreDay thanks for that!

What do you think about hcg for two weeks prior to starting cycle? Also in terms of AI I would take armidex or bd aromasin how much should I take throughout the course? Also should I take the AI during PCT?

Lastly what your thoughts about the injectable dbol?

Thanks bud really appreciate your thoughts

Can you explain why you'd want to use the HCG 2wks prior to beginning the cycle? I see absolutely no reason to do so

Adex start at .25mg EOD or aromasin at 12.5mg daily. Use blood work to adjust the dose if necessary. AI should be from day 1 to the beginning of pct. Not into PCT.

AS metal pointed out, you need to inject it everyday and do not run it for 10wks either. Increase the dose to 40-50mg.
But are you referring to tabs or injectables? what dosage have you gone up to? What was your experience

Ive only done orals with tbol and drol. I prefer not inj ed. When i started with each of them, i started at 50mg ed. Ended up doing 100mg ed for the last 2-3 weeks. I didnt feel i needed more than that.
Can you explain why you'd want to use the HCG 2wks prior to beginning the cycle? I see absolutely no reason to do so

Adex start at .25mg EOD or aromasin at 12.5mg daily. Use blood work to adjust the dose if necessary. AI should be from day 1 to the beginning of pct. Not into PCT.

AS metal pointed out, you need to inject it everyday and do not run it for 10wks either. Increase the dose to 40-50mg.

Thanks for the reply,

I read a thread about how it was good to kick start before starting an cycle, so just thought I would see what your thoughts were. So how many weeks is it best to run injectable dbol?
So start at 25mg first week then move up to 50mg

Really appreciate the help guys. wish I had done this before lol