Test cyp cycle attempt


New member
alright guys keep it simple tell me what you think on first test cyp cycle
any suggestions let me know please reply
test cyp 1-10 wks

adex .25mg 3-10 wks
eod will step up to .5 if i get sensitive

hcg 250iu x2 a week

10-14 wks
50mg daily

will have nolva on hand
alright guys keep it simple tell me what you think on first test cyp cycle
any suggestions let me know please reply
test cyp 1-10 wks

adex .25mg 3-10 wks
eod will step up to .5 if i get sensitive

hcg 250iu x2 a week

post cycle therapy (pct):
10-14 wks
50mg daily

will have nolva on hand

ok ok not bad my opinion is that 600 is to much for a first cycle drop it to 400-500mg and run it at 12 weeks not 10.Also big problem u got brewing is your not givivng any time for the test to leave your body start post cycle therapy (pct) 2 or 3 weeks after last pin this way u can recover u know what Im spitting
oh defintely about the 2wk post cycle therapy (pct) deal
ive been reading alot haha
just one ? then why would 600mg be bad for 10wks?i had read on one of the stickys 400-600 would be an ideal cycle,i would assume that it some how compensates. i dont understand how some of these guys expect to see some decent gains off 100mg-300mg in one week
600mg of test c would be fine for 10 weeks. id suggest 500 for 12 for your first, test c is a long ester test trust me ur guna want 12 weeks. and proper post cycle therapy (pct) should be in order.
other then that, if ur stuck on 600 for 10 weeks, id say GIVER bud good cycle, have fun ur guna enjoy the test!
Yea your right I might just go 12 wks instead
I'm excited
The date is set to July 1st ***58381;***58388;
Thank you for the info
hey man. I'd do 500mg per week to start out with.

Also, the arimidex looks good.

Hold off on the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) while on your muscle building cycle.

After the last injection wait two weeks and start the nolva at 40mg for a week then 20 a week for a total of two weeks.
hey man. I'd do 500mg per week to start out with.

Also, the arimidex looks good.

Hold off on the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) while on your muscle building cycle.

After the last injection wait two weeks and start the nolva at 40mg for a week then 20 a week for a total of two weeks.

Ok why Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) needs to ne hold on building muscle cycle?? which cycle did you know is not for building muscle or better muscle ripped look?? Nolva 4 weeks like this 40/40/20/20 a long esters clear about 2-3 weeks just depend on dose and the person.
You could do whatever you want but I would recommend to separate cutting and bulking cycles. If You're building muscle using test why would you use a pretty powerful fat burning agent? I think it'd be a little counterintuitive. I think it'd be too hard on your body. just my 2 cents. If I'm wrong, correct me.
You could do whatever you want but I would recommend to separate cutting and bulking cycles. If You're building muscle using test why would you use a pretty powerful fat burning agent? I think it'd be a little counterintuitive. I think it'd be too hard on your body. just my 2 cents. If I'm wrong, correct me.

I think you are confuse as shit man, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) diet is one thing and the doses using for that are wayyyyy diffrent than ones use for us, lol. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is use to keep the testes in shape mean trying to keep them stimulate during the suprresion of a AAS cycle and to avoid atrophy(not sure I spell it right, lol) on it. DO SOME FUCKINGG READS ABOUT Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) ON AAS no on Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) diet.
iPhone - why don't you ask Siri what she thinks? She knows everything right... drop some knowledge on ya lol

I agree with lowering the Cyp a tad and running longer. KEEP the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) throughout as kiki said.