Test cyp cycle


New member
Hey guys, Iv been snooping on this site for a while but just decided to join, I'm starting a cycle with test cyp and wanted feedback before I start.

Week 1- 12 cyp at 500mg/ week
Week 1- 15 amiridex .5 mg*

Week 4- 12 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 250iu 2x/ week
Week 13-15 clomid 100/ 100 / 50
Week 13- 15 nova 80 / 40 / 40

I am confused about my hcg, should I keep it where it is, or start 4 weeks after my last injection?
Also, I am 24, 6foot, 205lbs. I have been lifting for about 7 years
Thanks for the help
And ur pct doesn't look right. Start it two weeks after last pin. And run it for at least 4 weeks. Clomid 50/50/50/50, Nova 40/40/20/20. Also I hope ur gong to do the. .5 mg adex EOD. You didn't say so I was guessing u wee going to do ED
Yes I was planning to take the adex every day. Also, sorry if this sounds stupid, but the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) used for post cycle is it the same that is found in the stores? Apparently where I live is behind the curve and no dealer knows what I'm talking about or why I would want it.
Yes I was planning to take the adex every day. Also, sorry if this sounds stupid, but the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) used for post cycle is it the same that is found in the stores? Apparently where I live is behind the curve and no dealer knows what I'm talking about or why I would want it.

Yikes. No bro, not the same as in stores. Don't inject anything into your body until you know wtf you're doing. Not being a dick here, but you obviously have not been "snooping" enough.
Not being a dick, that's why I'm here, iv done gear before just never with hcg. Im very confused bc know one here knows about it. Iv done the research on why and how it works and how to mix it, just confused on the product itself
I wasn't sure whether to run it my entire cycle or start halfway through, iv read mixed reports. I also didn't know if it was the same that's in stores. No one where I live knows about it. Is this something I can do without or do I need to find some?