test cyp, dbol, and arimidex cycle?

Hey I'm 22 years old.
155 lbs

Im looking to start my first cycle and just want to make sure I am doing it the right way.
I was going to do:
Dbol 50mg/day (week 1-5)
Test cypionate 500mg/week (week 1-12)
arimidex .5mg/day (week 1-12)

should I change this up?
and with a cycle like this what kind of PCT should I get on?

Any input would be great.
.5mg a day? Thats way too much based on your cycle. You wont need that much. Based on your height and weight you shouldnt start cycling yet and lastly your age, 3j already told u so i wont repeat.
Hey I'm 22 years old.
155 lbs

Im looking to start my first cycle and just want to make sure I am doing it the right way.
I was going to do:
Dbol 50mg/day (week 1-5)
Test cypionate 500mg/week (week 1-12)
arimidex .5mg/day (week 1-12)

should I change this up?
and with a cycle like this what kind of PCT should I get on?

Any input would be great.

Eat more and learn to lift before you cycle. We are the same height and you are 30lbs lighter than me and trust me im not that big so I can only imagine you. Not being a dick,im just saying try to lift correctly and eat to grow.

How many years have you been lifting?
how about instead of spending all that money on gear you hire a professional to set up your diet.. i can put 2lbs a week on you NATURALLY..


contact me for more info 3jdiet@gmail.com
Ive been lifting since I was 16. I know how to lift correctly. Ive done several power lifting competitions and am considered one of the strongest pound for pound in the state. I have my degree in exercise physiology so I know what I am getting myself into. Im just looking to put on size more than strength.
I cant seem to get any mass but I get stronger and stronger which isn't a bad thing but I want the size to go with it.
I have a nutritionist at my workplace. I eat around 4000 calories/day.
Bench: 305
Squat: 455
Deadlift: 455
So I know what I am doing.
Ive been lifting since I was 16. I know how to lift correctly. Ive done several power lifting competitions and am considered one of the strongest pound for pound in the state. I have my degree in exercise physiology so I know what I am getting myself into. Im just looking to put on size more than strength.
I cant seem to get any mass but I get stronger and stronger which isn't a bad thing but I want the size to go with it.
I have a nutritionist at my workplace. I eat around 4000 calories/day.
Bench: 305
Squat: 455
Deadlift: 455
So I know what I am doing.

not to be a dick but clearly you don't know what you are doing or you wouldnt be on here. First of all as everyone has mentioned you need to eat more and learn more. It is not all about how many cals you get, its about how many grams of fat protein and carbs you are taking in. I always say growing/training is 5% gear, 10% what you do in the gym, and 85% diet. So basically you have the 10% covered. Work on the other 90 percent and then you will have some knowledge. However giving the fact that people do what the fuck they want no matter what people advise i would tell you to drop the dbol do the 500mg cyp injections divided up into eod (~.65 ml eod will get you to 500 for the week) i have always found my levels to stay more stable when doing cyp eod than e3d. take adex .5 every other day and do some research about pct it is everywhere.

all in all dude you should learn more about diet which will get you to where you want to be much quicker. You have never eaten properly clearly, if you do this it will be like you took a cycle. Once you put on some weight from eating right and you feel you have maxed your natural potential out, then look toward gear.

you will prob gain about 25 to 30 lbs on a cycle of just test for your first time. That would put you at 185 which is average joe status. next time you cycle you do not gain 25~30 lbs again. it just doesn't work like that or we would have 500lb meat heads roaming around. What i am getting at is if you first add 15 to 20 lbs of muscle naturally, then take gear , you are talking about weighing close to 200 lbs. 155 to 200 is life changing for you.

this sounds like it might take a longer period of time but you will be very surprised how little time it takes and fast you gain when eating correctly.
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Alright man I do eat right. I know what proper protein regiment and carbs and all of that. I wouldn't be on here if I hadn't tried that. My body fat is 4.8%. I know what I'm doing on the diet side of things. But you answered my question so thank you.
The whole reason of taking test c or e is so u dont have to pin eod! Wtf ha!

if you look at tests your peak stays more consistent with eod on cyp or e. if someones biggest concern is about pinning then obviously steroids are not for you. all i run is prop and pin ed. it is also better to pin prop or tren ed then eod for keeping levels stable. this also helps greatly negate unwanted sides, i have experienced this first hand and so have my friends. There is also plenty of research online on this as well. Not saying you can't get away with e3d long or eod with short esters, just saying from experiences every time i have felt better and had less sides pinning more frequent. do some research before you scold, everyones body responds different.
Don't use an oral on your first cycle. Just Test.

Where is your hCG?

Blood work? Which labs? When?

Way too much Adex!

What will your PCT be and when?

You have a lot to figure out and learn before you run a cycle! Read the stickies and other threads. You are too young as well. You degree should help you realize that your brain/endocrine system are not fully developed until age 25.

Buy a fork! If you can't put weight on Natty at your age and small stature, you will not be able to with AAS.
4.8% body fat? Ok, your full of shit...

The other guy that's a pin cushion: I'm not so much disagreeing with you but it just doesn't make sense. Not on somebodys first cycle. I've pinned long esters frequently just to get to a certain mg per week. But to suggest doing this on a first cycle is ridiculous...
4.8% body fat? Ok, your full of shit...

The other guy that's a pin cushion: I'm not so much disagreeing with you but it just doesn't make sense. Not on somebodys first cycle. I've pinned long esters frequently just to get to a certain mg per week. But to suggest doing this on a first cycle is ridiculous...

To each his own. I don't think it's per say 'ridiculous', a lot of people's first cycle is prop because they think it will magically lean them out. They will be injecting at least eod unless they want a huge estrogen build/unstable bloods which lead to more negative sides such as acne and mood swings. I get where you are coming from and agree to a degree as we'll just saying from experience and the info I have came across, you have less sides keeping levels more stable. If you are serious about bb then pinning should be the least of concerns. Pincushion? That's an understatement I pin tren and prop ed along with hgh twice ed...it ain't shit unless ur shooting that shitty ugl prop that feels like you have been kicked in the leg by a horse...just rotate spots hit ass delts and quads (each spot will only be hit every 12 days (on eod injects))
Try it out, I'm not trying to say I'm mr bad ass because I stab myself everyday, I don't like the fact I'm creating more scar tissue but I do it because I have seen first hand it is better for my well being
Holy hell.
Forgot i was browsing "similar threads" button, thought i was in the log forum. Didnt notice the dates lol. My bad :(
Hows your diet santa?

Horrible at best.
I've hired 3J but im in the middle of legal hassle regarding old/new apartment buying/selling, so im technically homeless right now lol... Which means I cant follow or do what he says :(
Dont have a kitchen and im forced to eat out for pretty much every meal. Most times I'll buy different meal preps, lunch boxes etc and eat that.
Hardest part is appetite for me right now.