test cyp, tren ace, Anavar (var) 4th cycle


New member
test cyp, tren ace, var 4th cycle

hey, havn`t posted on here for quite a while now so thought i better get back around to get some good advice as im taking a pretty big leap.. (tren a!)

this next cycle i am planning will be my 4th cycle, jus want a few pointers etc if anyone has had some experience with similar cycles, and whether they had any probs arise and how they tackled them etc.

1st cycle was: dbol 30mgs ed 1-4
test e 500mg/ week 1-12

2nd cycle was:dbol 40mgs ed 1-4
test e 750 mgs/ week1-16
deca 400mgs/ week 1-10

3rd cycle was:test e pyramid from 500-1000mgs and pyramid down to 250mgs week 1-14
equipoise 400mgs/week 1-12
winstrol 50mgs ed last 5 weeks..

all cycles followed correct post cycle therapy (pct) etc. and took around 10 weeks off inbetween both.

only problem with the last cycle i did, i was using a very underdosed ug test e so really wasted a lot of my time on this cycle. i didnt realise what was going on with it untill i actually had confirmation from quite a few people that my source had some bunk test e (which i happend to buy and use) great huh?! i got most my gains from the 5 weeks of Winstrol (winny) lol.

well i am now taking around 4-5months off steroids now and getting my balls back and letting my injection sites heal up a bit as ive abused them a little the last year lol.

i am currently 4weeks off everything now and am pleased to say i feel i have recoverd/recovering pretty well. feeling horny again and my balls have doubled in size so think im cool. lost fair bit of weight but think this is partly to do with a lot of cardio which i have been doing to get fitter. but i am a lot leaner so all is good.

i am planning my 4th cycle now and want something with a little more of a kick. i am planning this:

weeks 1-10 test cyp 500 or 750 per week (not too sure)
weeks 1-8 tren ace 50 or 75mgs ed not too sure)
last 6 weeks will be using anavar 80mgs ed.

was thinking of hgh aswell but i wounder if this would be sensible as i am only 23 years old any way (any thoughts?)

if anyone on here has some good advice on post cycle therapy (pct) or anything please reply as really want to do some good reasearch before i start this one! THANKS A LOT! D...
Only change I would make there is to

Extend the anavar weeks 1-8

Other than that it looks good!
ok so after spears advice to drop cyp and go with prop i have looked into it a little. seems as though if i use cyp then i will be shut down bigtime from the tren while im waiting for the test to kick in??? is that the reason behind it/? if so would i still need to run the prop 2 weeks past tren or finish the same time? any input would be much apprieciated as all the diff esters are confusing me a little lol i know the length of eth, and know cyp is pretty much the same, prop is faster and suspension is millitant! but not to sure how to add it in to my cycles and switch it up.
ok so after some more research i have fine tuned my cycle to this: what you guys think ?

weeks 1-8: test prop 100mgs EOD
weeks 1-8: tren ace 75mgs EOD
weeks 1-8: anavar 80mgs ED

PCT 3 days after last pin:
week 1-4 clomid: 100/50/50/25
week 1-4 nolva: 40/20/20/10

also going to run hcg like this:

weeks 3-6: 500ius /week
weeks 7-8: 3000ius/week split into two shots of 1500ius 2 or 3 days apart.

Think is is a pretty solid course?