Check this out...
5'9 185 lbs
Body fat 14-17%
35 years old
4 cycles completed
Goals = reduce body fat get ripped and any extra lean muscle I put on will be a bonus. If I end at 193 lean goal achieved.
My gear is in:
Test cyp 200mg/ml (3) 10 ml vials total
Trenbolone ace 75 mg/ml (3) 10 ml vials total
Winny 10 mg tabs (100) tabs total
Nolvadex 20 mg tabs (30) tabs total
Cycle plan:
Test cyp 200 mg (2x) per week mon/thurs weeks 1-12
Tren ace 75 mg EOD weeks 1-10
Winstrol 50 mg ED (20) days weeks 10-12
Nolvadex 40 mg days 1-10 20 mg days 10-20 3rd week after last injection
My concern is that I have ran previous cycles..(1. test e 2. Sustanon/deca 3. Tren/winny 4. Tren/winny) last cycle was 8 years ago. I never ran AI's or post cycle therapy (pct) with any of them. Admittingly I never really new what I was doing. So I got strength gains and size but half assed everytime.
I don't want to do that again. I have my diet down and will be at maintenance calories until week six then cutting. Will end in caloric deficit. My concerns are:
1. maybe I'm running this too long? Up dosage and drop to 8 weeks?
2. Need to wait and get arimidex and hcg? I didn't have really bad sides previously except on the sust/deca cycle horrible sides! But I'm older so should I risk it without these built into my cycle? These are low doses?
3. Maybe run test cyp 8 weeks by itself with Winstrol (winny) last 4 and nova. Then get more test cyp and run this cycle later?
I appreciate any advice and opinions on how you would cycle this gear. Thanks guys!
5'9 185 lbs
Body fat 14-17%
35 years old
4 cycles completed
Goals = reduce body fat get ripped and any extra lean muscle I put on will be a bonus. If I end at 193 lean goal achieved.
My gear is in:
Test cyp 200mg/ml (3) 10 ml vials total
Trenbolone ace 75 mg/ml (3) 10 ml vials total
Winny 10 mg tabs (100) tabs total
Nolvadex 20 mg tabs (30) tabs total
Cycle plan:
Test cyp 200 mg (2x) per week mon/thurs weeks 1-12
Tren ace 75 mg EOD weeks 1-10
Winstrol 50 mg ED (20) days weeks 10-12
Nolvadex 40 mg days 1-10 20 mg days 10-20 3rd week after last injection
My concern is that I have ran previous cycles..(1. test e 2. Sustanon/deca 3. Tren/winny 4. Tren/winny) last cycle was 8 years ago. I never ran AI's or post cycle therapy (pct) with any of them. Admittingly I never really new what I was doing. So I got strength gains and size but half assed everytime.
I don't want to do that again. I have my diet down and will be at maintenance calories until week six then cutting. Will end in caloric deficit. My concerns are:
1. maybe I'm running this too long? Up dosage and drop to 8 weeks?
2. Need to wait and get arimidex and hcg? I didn't have really bad sides previously except on the sust/deca cycle horrible sides! But I'm older so should I risk it without these built into my cycle? These are low doses?
3. Maybe run test cyp 8 weeks by itself with Winstrol (winny) last 4 and nova. Then get more test cyp and run this cycle later?
I appreciate any advice and opinions on how you would cycle this gear. Thanks guys!
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