!!!test cypinate 10week cycle !!!!


New member
Ok so my stats

26years old
Bf%=would say 13 to 14&
Previous cycles=clen

Diet I would say is in check

Meal one=omelette with whey protein
meal 2=shake
Meal 3=fish 2pieces 40grams protein with a veggie as a filler
Meal 4=fish again or chicken breast with again a veggie
Meal 5=shake
Meal 6=either fish or eggs

Now I was planning
1to10 weeks
250 a shot of cypinate 2xtimes mon and thurs
Also was planning aromasin eod 12.5mcg for the 10weekstoo keep down gyno,acne,bloat.

13to 16weeks
nolvadex=40,20,20,20. And have arimadex just incase
Looks good brother, enjoy the ride its a great cycle! Sounds like you have all your bases covered
Well increase the cyp to 12weeks atleast.. CAsein before u sleep add an extra meal man.. Adex is for during.cycle ming.. U can have letro on the side incase any estro rebound.. N the sromosin during cycle is good.. Not too bad.. Increase cals tho.. WIth ur protein shaje#2 i would use 40gram pro, mix lettuce, spinach, kale.in their half a banana n few strawberrys for taste.. So u can get the benefits of the spinach n kale.. Which those dhakes taste very good use almond milk.for.it.unswestrned
Ok so my stats

26years old
Bf%=would say 13 to 14&
Previous cycles=clen

Diet I would say is in check

Meal one=omelette with whey protein
meal 2=shake
Meal 3=fish 2pieces 40grams protein with a veggie as a filler
Meal 4=fish again or chicken breast with again a veggie
Meal 5=shake
Meal 6=either fish or eggs

Now I was planning
1to10 weeks
250 a shot of cypinate 2xtimes mon and thurs
Also was planning aromasin eod 12.5mcg for the 10weekstoo keep down gyno,acne,bloat.

13to 16weeks
nolvadex=40,20,20,20. And have arimadex just incase

If that's the extent of your diet I'd say its far from being in check.

As to the cycle, 10wks for caption are is too short considering it won't "kick in" till around wk 6. Run it 12wks minimum.

For aromasin that's mg (milligrams) NOT mcg (micrograms) and 12.5mg is a good starting dose but that's everyday not every other day bc of its shorter half life. Blood tests mid cycle will confirm if that's enough or too much or not enough to control E2. Pct looks good but you've forgotten to include Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) into the cycle.
on the blood work side.what am I looking for the estrogen level too be?also when getting the blood work at my doctor do I ask for a female panel or just regular blood work.thanxs
K will do on the shake. Now I bought arimidex thinking it was just in case of side sort of like letro.can it still be used?oh and also planning too up too 12 weeks
I am not seeing any carbs in his diet, you are missing out on way too many calories but not having carbs.

Go here to determine your TDEE, you will probable need to add cals since you are running a cycle.
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Ok so I took first injection today.1inch 23 gauge needle did a delt shot.went good felt a slight pinch not bad at all.but just have a lil discomfort kinda like sumone punched me a lil but not bad at all.no red oh and also aspirated before injecting test was good.is it normal for a slight discomfort?
Im lovin the screenname. Cycle is lookin sweet. Cyp is a long ester should be ran for longer like 12-15 weeks. You are going to need some carbs in your diet if you expect to have any energy. You can run some proviron along with the test for lower SHBG levels, higher free test and that rock hard look.