Test/Deca/Anadrol effect on hair


New member
Hello everyone,

I am currently on my fourth week of a Test, Deca, and Anadrol Cycle. Let me get straight to the point, has anyone experienced a change in hair thickness using these compounds, especially the anadrol? I generally have had thick hair my entire life, I am 23 now. I am not balding and my hairline has not gone farther back, what I have noticed is the actual thickness of my hair. The hair is all there it just more thinner to the point where two people close to me have asked if I thought my hair got thinner? Idk if has to do with age, or the cycle, or perhaps it is in my head? This is my fourth week on anadrol, and I know this steroid is harsh on the hair. I am taking 50mgs ( great results no sides ) a day and have 13 days left of taking them. I am thinking of getting a DHT blocker and a hair skin and nails supplement both from the Vitamin Shoppe or Wal-Mart as support. Your feedback and guidance is appreciated. Thanks.
Hello everyone,

I am currently on my fourth week of a Test, Deca, and Anadrol Cycle. Let me get straight to the point, has anyone experienced a change in hair thickness using these compounds, especially the anadrol? I generally have had thick hair my entire life, I am 23 now. I am not balding and my hairline has not gone farther back, what I have noticed is the actual thickness of my hair. The hair is all there it just more thinner to the point where two people close to me have asked if I thought my hair got thinner? Idk if has to do with age, or the cycle, or perhaps it is in my head? This is my fourth week on anadrol, and I know this steroid is harsh on the hair. I am taking 50mgs ( great results no sides ) a day and have 13 days left of taking them. I am thinking of getting a DHT blocker and a hair skin and nails supplement both from the Vitamin Shoppe or Wal-Mart as support. Your feedback and guidance is appreciated. Thanks.

There are a few ways of keeping your hair, but AAS is definitely speeding up the process of hair loss. That sounds like a hefty cycle for a 23 year old. How many have you run before? You can try finasterside, rogaine, biotin, and I'm sure there are more but someone else will tell you that as I don't give a fuck about my hair. You also need to decide whether you want big muscles or steroids. Some people will not be able to have both, and this is a choice you may have to make. I didn't care about hair loss before the steroids so it never impacted my choice. Good luck
If you've already committed to AAS, then now It's usually a matter of choice, in regards to dht blockers, between your hairline and you dick.. Dht blockers will negatively effect libido and sexual performance
There are a few ways of keeping your hair, but AAS is definitely speeding up the process of hair loss. That sounds like a hefty cycle for a 23 year old. How many have you run before? You can try finasterside, rogaine, biotin, and I'm sure there are more but someone else will tell you that as I don't give a fuck about my hair. You also need to decide whether you want big muscles or steroids. Some people will not be able to have both, and this is a choice you may have to make. I didn't care about hair loss before the steroids so it never impacted my choice. Good luck

Hello Tury, thank you for the reply. This is my 3rd cycle, first and second both being Test E and Dbol cycles for 16 weeks. Yes this cycle is a strong one, but this is as far as I would take it, 3 compounds is strong enough for me. I have no desire to do more steroids beyond these and I will cut down on steroid use tremendously after this cycle. I do have a rogaine foam container that my older brother keeps on him. He got balding gene from my father, for me the complete opposite as my mothers entire family have full heads of thick hair. I will give the rogaine a shot, as well as perhaps once I drop the anadrol I will notice the difference, or perhaps it is in my head?! When 2 people close to you mention it you have start second guessing yourself. Thanks again bud.
If you've already committed to AAS, then now It's usually a matter of choice, in regards to dht blockers, between your hairline and you dick.. Dht blockers will negatively effect libido and sexual performance

Hey Roush, thanks for the reply. Like I mentioned to Turys comment I don't plan on heavy roid use after this cycle, it will be very mild from here on out. Never heard of DHT blockers effecting libido, ill have to research that.
Hello Tury, thank you for the reply. This is my 3rd cycle, first and second both being Test E and Dbol cycles for 16 weeks. Yes this cycle is a strong one, but this is as far as I would take it, 3 compounds is strong enough for me. I have no desire to do more steroids beyond these and I will cut down on steroid use tremendously after this cycle. I do have a rogaine foam container that my older brother keeps on him. He got balding gene from my father, for me the complete opposite as my mothers entire family have full heads of thick hair. I will give the rogaine a shot, as well as perhaps once I drop the anadrol I will notice the difference, or perhaps it is in my head?! When 2 people close to you mention it you have start second guessing yourself. Thanks again bud.

You say you will stop, but I only know one guy who has stopped. If your dad is bald then there is a very good chance you will be too. My dad is bald, grandfather, and great grandfather was bald. I will be bald soon too. Why not limit the cycles to 500 mg test and like 400 mg of deca in the future, as I don't think you will be satisfied as a natural after using three cycles. You did start young also and hopefully your hpta won't be too fucked up. Why do you care about baldness. Just embrace that shit man. BTW I am not that lean and I am going bald and still get hit on by girls, some are whales some are attractive but I still get lots of attention. My wife says she likes me bald better. Baldness does not make you unappealing, but worrying about it excessively makes you seem insecure.
If you were meant to lose your hair you're going to lose it. Thats all there is to it... AAS may get you there faster, but its going to happen regardless if its in your genetics...
If you've already committed to AAS, then now It's usually a matter of choice, in regards to dht blockers, between your hairline and you dick.. Dht blockers will negatively effect libido and sexual performance

DHT blockers will negatively effect individuals prone to libido issues. Not everyone who takes "fina" has this side effect. :nono:
Its not really the ultimatum everyone makes it seem.
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Adrol is notorious for its conversion to DHT as well as its tendency to cause water retention...my hair has definitely thinned over the years, but I have a family history on my mothers side, so I was screwed from the get-go anyways:P