

Sexy as hell
Here we go fools second cycle. My first cycle was a wimpy 8 week sustaplex cycle but i still got pretty good gains.


Weeks 1-15 Test E 500mg/w
Weeks 1-15 EQ 400mg/w
Weeks 6-15 Deca 300mg/w
Weeks 1-6 Tbol 30mg/day


Weeks 1-15 Arimadex .25mg/day
Weeks 17-20 Nolva 40/30/20/20
Weeks 17-20 Clomid 100/100/50/50


Height: 6'2
Weight: 210 lbs
Bf: 12%
Bench: 305
Deadlift: 405

I'll post pictures when i start. Im doing my first shots/pills in one week. I'll be taking in around 300grams of protien a day and around 5000calories.
if your going to run deca would you not want to run it for a longer period of time?

This is true but considering thats all the deca i have to work with and i don't really find it necessary to run it during the tbol.

I could instead up the test to 750mg a week after the tbol is done or even up the eq to 600.
This stack is similar to my situation and cycle that i am currently on. I am currently taking 400 mg of cyp and 500 mg of eq a week....am running injections every mon and thr. unfortunatley, i am short of eq and my source it tapped out too. i do have access to deca. i was wanting to know how i can introduce the deca to my current cycle in a way that it would be beneficial. i am in week 6 of a 12 week cycle. i have access to 3 10ml bottles of deca.....only have another week or two or eq left. also, not that it helps, but i have a ton of props available too.
any advise would be much appreciated.