Test / Dianabol / Equipoise / winstrol for quality gains


New member
Purpose of this cylcle is to gain quality muscle & to retain maximum gains even after completing the cycle.

Week 1 - 6: Dianabol 50mg ed
Week 1 - 10: Testosterone Enanthate 500mg / week
Week 1 - 10: Equipoise 400mg / week (first shot @ 800mg as front loading)
Week 11- 16: Propionate 100mg eod
Week 11 - 16: winstrol 100mg eod
Week 1 - 16: HCG 500iu / week
Week 1 - 16: Arimidex @ .5mg eod

Clomid: 100 / 100 / 50 / 50
Nolvadex: 40 / 40 / 20 / 20

Is it safe to add decca durabolin in this cycle @ 200mg / week for first 10 weeks. I feel my joints are dry due to my previous winstrol cycle which I did some 2 months ago. Also correct me if there is anything wrong in this cycle.