Test e 500 Mg a week First cycle.


New member
Starting a cycle next week. 500mg of test e l. 250 monday 250 thursday. Have tamoxifen on hamd in case of any gyno symptoms. Maybe thinking of tbol weeks 1-4 what do you guys think? Also advice on pct would help too.
I would hold off on starting that cycle till you get all your ducks in a row. Tamoxifen (nolvadex) would go in conjunction with clomid for pct. You need an ai like aromasin or arimidex for on cycle. You need to look into using hcg also. You need bloodwork before, during, and after cycle too. All the details can be found in either the beginners cycle sticky or the ology faq's thread. I suggest you study up on those before you begin your cycle.
you shouldn't need advice on PCT if your already at the point of starting your cycle , you should know EXACTLY what you need to do to run a proper pct and have all the ancillaries on hand before ever starting the cycle.

running Tbol on a first cycle is ok , imo , being it does not aromatize (if it was dbol then I'd not recommend it for a first cycle) . however i recommend you run it at the tail end of your cycle after your mid cycle blood work , not the start. so weeks 7-12 , not 1-4. and i recommend 5 weeks of it at least
So it seems you are not trying to control your E2 . YOU are only waiting for Gyno to start and then plug in some Tamox to stop it ? reverse it ?

An Ai such as ADex is used to control your Estradiol (E2) because of all the unwanted and unhealthy side effects of high estrogen. Read up Estrogen and Prolactin. Get to know the sides of High n low E2. Ya need BW , too much AI will crash your E2 then another host of sides much similar to high E2.

THis is all called preventative medicine. YOu don't wait until you are in free fall off a roof before you tie of your safety rope. Please do more research so you know the why's as to what we are suggesting these things.

Good Luck

Oh and please give us your stats. Age, wt, ht, BF% and some history of training and goals.
Age - 21
Height - 6'2
Weight - 95kg
Bf - Roughly between 10 - 12%

I have my test amps. Have tamofixen. Have clomid for pct. Not too sure if o should use hcg or not? So your recomending arimidex during cycle rather than nolva?
21 is way too yound to run a cycle bro you already have high test naturally why screw that up?! Anyways you should run arimidex or aromasin for estrogen control from start of cycle all the info you seek is in the stickys.
Now again , I am not getting down on you but along with you being too young you need to learn, educate yourself on what you are embarking on. As I posted before , you don't know what to run and or why.

So listen before you do anything more, read ALL, yea ALL the sticky posts found where you came in to start your thread. Then you will understand much more and will be able to ask intelligent Q's as to trying to understand what you read, what we are saying and the basics of the use of AAS.

Learn about Aromatization , Estrogen control , Progesterone and Prolactin. Simple thing to understand like when you raise your natural Test level by introducing exogenous Testosterone you will raise your level and hence will follow the increase of Estrogen. The second Estrogen call estradiol or E2, there are three and this is the one we are concerned about. But se that's a short example of thing you NEED TO KNOW.

You need to understand the basics so you can use AAS safely, recover and have be able to put your own cycles together. When you understand some of this then you will be able to read and understand the steroid profiles and make educated decisions as to how to and what to use for your cycle 's to help yourself meet your goals.

Listen after all isn't that what it's all about ? And listen Tamox is not an AI . Read up you need to know these things cause no one on here is gonna spoon feed you. You have a few years before you are of age so take time to understand. Also with this knowledge you will understand why you are too young. Thanks for the stats

Oops I did forget to tell you that you will not get much help as to putting a cycle together on this forum by the vets due to you being so young. But better they will help you learn so that you will be ready when you are older.
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Age - 21
Height - 6'2
Weight - 95kg
Bf - Roughly between 10 - 12%

I have my test amps. Have tamofixen. Have clomid for pct. Not too sure if o should use hcg or not? So your recomending arimidex during cycle rather than nolva?

well when you turn 25 , nolva belongs in your pct along with the clomid . HCG belongs the duration of your cycle up until the day of pct, and an AI like arimidex should be ran during your cycle to control estrogen (not Nolva)
Starting a cycle next week. 500mg of test e l. 250 monday 250 thursday. Have tamoxifen on hamd in case of any gyno symptoms. Maybe thinking of tbol weeks 1-4 what do you guys think? Also advice on pct would help too.

Please stop and do not start this cycle. Just wait and learn first. This is for you man. Take care of yourself. There is no turning back if you fvck up now. Yeas some make it but many do not and have to pin forever to have a sex life. AND what for do you need to do this now in your life. You gonna go pro soon ? :dunno:
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Please stop and do not start this cycle. Just wait and learn first. This is for you man. Take care of yourself. There is no turning back if you fvck up now. Yeas some make it but many do not and have to pin forever to have a sex life. AND what for do you need to do this now in your live. You gonna go pro soon ? :dunno:

Agreed. ^^^ Also get the most out of your youthful natty test production...as stated already
Stick with Test at the same dosage for 8-12 weeks... that is PLENTY efficient and perfectly fine for your first time. Dont turn into someone who NEEDs to juice this and that, try playing around with diet on a test cycle. up your cals. protein intake and training, if you dont grow then it was fake.

worry about running 2 compounds, which you dont even then NEED, when your second cycle comes around. I'd add deca.