Test E 8 Week Cycle


New member
Hi there!
I am 23 years old,
5’9” Tall and roughly 8-10% Body Fat

I have been doing research into AAS’ for the last 6+ months. After all this time I have come up with this to be my cycle:

250mg Testosterone Enanthate Per Week (8 weeks) (Frontload of 500mg in week 1)
1.25mg Finasteride (Proscar) Every Day (8 weeks) I enjoy my hair line
0.25mg Arimadex Every Day (8 weeks) To avoid potential side effects

post cycle therapy (pct):

Day 1: 100mg Clomid (Day 1 starts 2 weeks after final Enanthate dose)
Day 2 - Day 29: 50mg Per Day

The only thing that I unsure about is the necessity for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) or not? So I would greatly appreciate any advice on this matter. I have my gear in the post as we speak but I am willing to hold off my cycle to get some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) first if necessary. This is not something I am willing to be impatient over and would rather get my Ancillaries and post cycle therapy (pct) spot on before I start. Which I hope demonstrates to you that I have thought about this a great deal and I am willing to learn as long as it isn't Bro-Science. I hate Bro-Science.

And before anyone tells me that 250mg per week is nothing or it’s a pussy dose or anything equally bravado driven, 250mg is still over 3x my natural Testosterone level. And when I am front loading with 500mg in the first week this dose should peak in my system fast enough. I have read plenty of threads on several boards where people have been commended for starting at 250mg per week because gains are possible and my goals are not to explode. I am simply trying to attain a physique that I want to maintain.

My diet is stable with lots of protein already and I only eat whole foods (Nuts, Fruits, Oats etc.) and only resort to Pasta and breads when money is tight. Once I start my cycle I will be upping my calories to around 2500 a day. This is already more than double what I have been eating for the last year. At the diet I currently eat I neither gain weight nor lose it so figured doubling my intake would give my body all the raw materials it needs for repair and growth.
U have researched for six months and came up with an eight week cycle? I would do 12 weeks minimum... U just need a lot more research.. it doesn't seem like u researched for 5 minutes let alone six months...
Where do u get the idea that your just going to explode? I think u need a better diet instead of aas...
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U have researched for six months and came up with an eight week cycle? I would do 12 weeks minimum... U just need a lot more research.. it doesn't seem like u researched for 5 minutes let alone six months...
Where do u get the idea that your just going to explode? I think u need a better diet instead of aas...

Exactly. Whats this 8 week fad going on now?
U have researched for six months and came up with an eight week cycle? I would do 12 weeks minimum... U just need a lot more research.. it doesn't seem like u researched for 5 minutes let alone six months...
Where do u get the idea that your just going to explode? I think u need a better diet instead of aas...

OK So what I meant by 'explode' was basically that I am saying I am not looking to add 15+ lbs of muscle during this cycle (I understand that getting 15+ lbs would require a much heavier cycle) What I meant was that I don't have the money to completely replace my wardrobe again haha. I am just looking to firm up and fill out the clothes I do have (which from reading a lot of threads on multiple boards seems the likely outcome of this cycle). I assure you my diet is fine. As already stated it is plenty high in Protein and Good Carb's and Fats.

As for the comment about '5 minutes let alone 6 months...', not being funny but I have done enough forum lurking and reading. I simply wanted critique on my cycle, which neither of the people people who have replied to this thread have given, just useless 'we think we know what we are talking about but rather than helping you constructively we are just going to flame you into the ground' type comments which on a forum like this defeats the entire point.

I specifically stated that I was willing to learn. So if you don't like my cycle then specifically state why you don't like it an suggest improvements that at least fall within the scope of the original cycle (i.e It is my first cycle and only want to use one compound). Personally I don't think that just saying 'I would run for a minimum of 12 weeks' counts as helpful. Combining with the fact that you completely glazed over my actual question which was about HCG.

Exactly. Whats this 8 week fad going on now?

As far as this goes, from a lot of my reading I have seen a trend of first cycles (that had potential) were about 8 weeks. Four week cycles are pointless in my opinion even on something like Testosterone Propionate. I did not like the idea of dosing every other day and didn't like the idea that it was more likely to cause irritations.

Secondly, this is my first cycle. The last thing I wanted to do was throw together a load of different compounds, start the cycle and start having side effects but not knowing which compound was causing them. I have no idea how I am going to react to this cycle so chose the safe, researched and calculated choice to run a cycle that would give me decent gains (as already stated 250mg per week is already 3x natural Testosterone levels after removing the mass of the Enanthate Ester) but without risking myself too much with the side effects. What if I turn out to be very prone to sides? I would much rather play it safe this time and once I know how I will respond then I can use a larger dose the second time around.

Finally I chose 8 weeks because it meant that if I had to abort the cycle early for whatever reason then it meant that I wasn't left with a load of unused gear.

Like I said if you don't like the cycle then suggest how to improve it please. Don't just give your opinion unsupported. It doesn't help anyone.

Why do you take steroids if you don't take at least 500mg of test per week? Drop the test and buy a protein if a cycle look like that.waste of money. hair lose at 250mg per test? :wink2:
i don't know what you have read.

Do 500mg test per week for 12 weeks.Or drop it.
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I had actually replied to this :S.

Anyway it doesnt matter. Having done my first pin, I am so relieved haha.. I have never been scared of needles. Far from it. I used to look forward to injection at school haha. But I was scared this would be different. I actually did not even feel it pierce the skin.. Then it was all the way in.. Oh well.

I pinned my left quad. Was going smoothly until towards the end when it dawned on me that 2ml (500mg Frontload) was more than I thought lol. No pain.. I just started feeling really really faint. got it out and in the sharps bin just in time to lie back and let the blood get back to my head haha.

So anyway. I am on day 4 now and if I am honest while I know it is probably placebo, but I can definitely feel it already (not in gains, of course not, I am not expecting appreciable gains for another few weeks yet). But I can definitely feel it working. My skin is markedly more oily, I have had a few spots and my water retention is noticeable.

I am on an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) remember (0.5mg Arimidex EOD) and also I am using 2.5mg Proscar EOD (Im NOT implying Proscar is an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), just stating what else I am using during cycle). My nipples have been a little sensitive but from all the reading I have come to accept that this is normal for a first time cycle and to give it a few more days before panicking and upping the Arimidex dose.

Also, having done some thinking. I am tempted to get some more gear (I.e more Test E) and A) Up the dose to 500mg per week (250mg split monday and thursday) and B) also extend it to 10 weeks. If I do this I have no worries about it not getting here in time, the supplier I have used is extremely dependable. None the less I have emailed them first before placing another order to make sure stock isnt a problem

I apologise if I seemed thick headed in my previous posts. I think I was trying to look at the numbers too scientifically and think "3x test levels will give pretty appreciable gains for 8 weeks.." instead of thinking from a more practical approach (I.e 8 weeks was too short for 250mg to do much).

I have also decided not to run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) during cycle as I think that while it would help, I am being too paranoid as I am only using a 'light' cycle compared to the cycles that usually incorporate it. (And also after reading a few new threads on forums about when to incorporate it).

So yeah. Thank you for the words I have received so far. Not quite sure how the scales register as 5kg heavier in 4 days though lol but I am guessing it is a combination of water retention and nitrogen balance changing. I guess I am just in that small percentage of people who react quite quickly (again NOT saying that I am going to make fast MUSCLE gains. I mean react quickly with mild sides).

If anyone has alarm bells ringing that they want to tell me about then please shout out. But as I say, I am expecting the sensitivity and water retention to subside after my Test levels become stable again. I'm thinking I don't need need to worry until after 2nd pin?

EDIT ** Also the PIP did not really kick in until day 3. Its almost 100% gone today (day 4)

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Not using Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)? Why? It doesnt matter how much testosterone you are taking, your natural production WILL shut down, so recovery during PCT will be much worse. The reason people use HCG on cycle is to prep natural test production, so it is ready to take over once you are off synthetic testosterone. This makes it easier to keep what you have gained once you are off cycle. You can either take 500iu's per week up until post cycle therapy (pct), or blast it 500iu's per day during the last 2 weeks. Both seem to work.

Adex is taken EOD to e3D at .25mg. Not every day.

The best PCT method i have seen is a nolva/clomid combo:
Clomid: 50/50/50/50
Nolva: 40/40/20/20

I also see no point in 250mg/week. 500mg/week is viewed as a mild cycle by guys on this board. Im on week 3 of my test-e only cycle (500/week) and it still hasnt hit me yet. Im expecting it to hit in week 4. I would be fucking pissed if i only had an extra 4 weeks of REAL training when the test e was in my system. Im doing a 16 week cycle. 12 weeks is a minimum.
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There is a study out on here somewhere if you look for it, pretty much states for a first cycle the lowest you should start is 300 mg per week and the most you should do is 600mg per week. They tested all sorts or doses with all sorts of subjects and 300 mg was the magic number where gains started.

300 mg test E (10-12weeks)
LiquiDex for an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) .25 EOD to start and adjust from there

Pct 2weeks after last shot
Clomid 50/50/50/50
Novladex 40/40/20/20

That's where I would start if i were you and we're look ing to put on some pounds and cut up a bit combined with a good diet

Hope I helped, good luck
There is a study out on here somewhere if you look for it, pretty much states for a first cycle the lowest you should start is 300 mg per week and the most you should do is 600mg per week. They tested all sorts or doses with all sorts of subjects and 300 mg was the magic number where gains started.

300 mg test E (10-12weeks)
LiquiDex for an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) .25 EOD to start and adjust from there

Pct 2weeks after last shot
Clomid 50/50/50/50
Novladex 40/40/20/20

That's where I would start if i were you and we're look ing to put on some pounds and cut up a bit combined with a good diet

Hope I helped, good luck

^^^ This

I think I may have read that thread. Or a similar one/article somewhere as it sounds familiar..

Anyway thank you for that response. It is always interesting to see how so many similar cycles are used. To be honest as well, another reason why I opted for 250mg (Initially) was because I remembered reading that 300mg was a good place to start however my supplier either sold Enanthate in 250mg, 500mg or 1250mg vials so 250mg was very close to 300mg and figured 50mg difference wouldn't be that pronounced when used with a longer acting ester due to longer half life I would get more use mg for mg than to likes of Propionate.

I will be ordering another 2500mg in the next two weeks or so so that I can do 500mg per week of Enanthate for 10 weeks.

I will also never make the mistake of pinning 500mg (2ml) in one go again.. really painful days 2 and 3 after injection haha.. It doesnt help that I think I pinned a little lower in my quad than I intended but I am pain free now and there was no blood when I asperated so everything is goood :)

Kinda worried about pinning again on Monday in my other quad though as it will be my non dominant hand il be using to guide the needle :/

I guess I am also gonna have to use my glutes if I am gonna be pinning twice a week too as i don't want to build up scare tissue ( 1 1/4" 23G needles) on my quads. Im quite hair but still. I am just thankful that the injections themselves are painless for me :)


EDIT **** Having a complete brain fart at the moment. it was 1 1/4" not 1 1/2" haha.. Apologies AGAIN.

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^^^ This

I think I may have read that thread. Or a similar one/article somewhere as it sounds familiar..

Anyway thank you for that response. It is always interesting to see how so many similar cycles are used. To be honest as well, another reason why I opted for 250mg (Initially) was because I remembered reading that 300mg was a good place to start however my supplier either sold Enanthate in 250mg, 500mg or 1250mg vials so 250mg was very close to 300mg and figured 50mg difference wouldn't be that pronounced when used with a longer acting ester due to longer half life I would get more use mg for mg than to likes of Propionate.

I will be ordering another 2500mg in the next two weeks or so so that I can do 500mg per week of Enanthate for 10 weeks.

I will also never make the mistake of pinning 500mg (2ml) in one go again.. really painful days 2 and 3 after injection haha.. It doesnt help that I think I pinned a little lower in my quad than I intended but I am pain free now and there was no blood when I asperated so everything is goood :)

Kinda worried about pinning again on Monday in my other quad though as it will be my non dominant hand il be using to guide the needle :/

I guess I am also gonna have to use my glutes if I am gonna be pinning twice a week too as i don't want to build up scare tissue (1/2" 23G needles) on my quads. Im quite hair but still. I am just thankful that the injections themselves are painless for me :)


Yeah i bet that 500mg shot felt good lol 500mg a week will do good for you with proper diet and training. Best of luck
^^^ This

I think I may have read that thread. Or a similar one/article somewhere as it sounds familiar..

Anyway thank you for that response. It is always interesting to see how so many similar cycles are used. To be honest as well, another reason why I opted for 250mg (Initially) was because I remembered reading that 300mg was a good place to start however my supplier either sold Enanthate in 250mg, 500mg or 1250mg vials so 250mg was very close to 300mg and figured 50mg difference wouldn't be that pronounced when used with a longer acting ester due to longer half life I would get more use mg for mg than to likes of Propionate.

I will be ordering another 2500mg in the next two weeks or so so that I can do 500mg per week of Enanthate for 10 weeks.

I will also never make the mistake of pinning 500mg (2ml) in one go again.. really painful days 2 and 3 after injection haha.. It doesnt help that I think I pinned a little lower in my quad than I intended but I am pain free now and there was no blood when I asperated so everything is goood :)

Kinda worried about pinning again on Monday in my other quad though as it will be my non dominant hand il be using to guide the needle :/

I guess I am also gonna have to use my glutes if I am gonna be pinning twice a week too as i don't want to build up scare tissue (1/2" 23G needles) on my quads. Im quite hair but still. I am just thankful that the injections themselves are painless for me :)


You should be going deeper then 1/2 inch, most use 1 inch or 1 1/2 inch needles for quads or gluteus to make sure the oil is deep enough, good luck on your cycle!

Edit: take into consideration the possibility that your gear might be underdosed 10% or 15%, I would reconsider measuring out 300mg over the 250mg to make sure your not just puting yourself on TRT

Re edit- you uped your dose to 500 mg per week, missed that, sorry. Enjoy your cycle good luck!
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You should be going deeper then 1/2 inch, most use 1 inch or 1 1/2 inch needles for quads or gluteus to make sure the oil is deep enough, good luck on your cycle!

Edit: take into consideration the possibility that your gear might be underdosed 10% or 15%, I would reconsider measuring out 300mg over the 250mg to make sure your not just puting yourself on TRT

Re edit- you uped your dose to 500 mg per week, missed that, sorry. Enjoy your cycle good luck!

Haha its ok and thanks :)

Oh and btw; I did not mean 1/2" I meant 1.5" Haha. Im sorry. I will edit that post lol.

EDIT **** See quoted post but I meant 1 1/4" not 1 1/2"

Metalhead said:
Yeah i bet that 500mg shot felt good lol 500mg a week will do good for you with proper diet and training. Best of luck

Thanks :) And yeah.. virgin pinning + 2ml of test definitely was NOT for me :P

I will keep updating with regards to how I feel and how I get on.

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OK So today is day 7 of my Cycle. I will be pinning 250mg later today.

Not much to report on sides or gains (Obviously no noticeable gains and my sides are limited to: Slight bloating, water retention, my balls frequently shrink and I have had a massive increase in both confidence and libido)

As I was worried about this 5kg I seem to have gained affecting my cardio (obviously not muscle after 1 week) I decided to go for a run (I enjoy long distance cardio) Now usually I will run 12km/h for 1 hour. However noticed that due to the extra weight I could not manage this, and this worried me. so instead I decided that as I was able to sustain roughly 10km/h I would run for as long as I could before my legs literally stopped running and started walking without me meaning to drop out of a run.

Anyway, my previous regular running routine was 12km runs a few times a week. I would usually be well and truly shattered after that. However today I managed 21.12km (just over a Half Marathon) :D

It is the furthest I have ever run in one go before and I am absolutely over the moon (Mentally...) Physically is another story lmao.. My body is ready to commit mutiny against its captain. :P

Sure you guys aren't really arsed about this but for me its a monumental achievement haha.

Will let you know how Pin No. 2 goes. Im expecting it to be painful considering the run.. I will be pinning my quad too..

2nd Pin went fine. I am thinking the pain today is just achey legs from the run yesterday Hah.
