Test E 8 Week Cycle

Hey guys.

So as you all know this is my new protocol:

10 Week Cycle
250mg Testosterone Enanthate Monday
250mg Testosterone Enanthate Thursday
2.5mg Finasteride Every Other Day
0.5mg Arimidex Every Other Day


I am just wondering though.. Even with the Arimidex, I have gained 7.5kg since starting 9 Days ago. Is this kind of weight gain usual?

I have not noticed any other side effects recently. My nipples are no longer sensitive and I have not gotten acne. A few white heads from the oily skin but I haven't erupted with spots or Bacne.. at least none that I have noticed lol. The only thing worrying me is the rapid weight gain.

I guess at least I am no where near as sensitive to Testosterone as I feared I would be haha!!

Would love some advice on the weight gain though. I am drinking about 2L of water a day plus several cups of black coffee (each cup being about 340ml)

Hey guys.

So as you all know this is my new protocol:

10 Week Cycle
250mg Testosterone Enanthate Monday
250mg Testosterone Enanthate Thursday
2.5mg Finasteride Every Other Day
0.5mg Arimidex Every Other Day


I am just wondering though.. Even with the Arimidex, I have gained 7.5kg since starting 9 Days ago. Is this kind of weight gain usual?

I have not noticed any other side effects recently. My nipples are no longer sensitive and I have not gotten acne. A few white heads from the oily skin but I haven't erupted with spots or Bacne.. at least none that I have noticed lol. The only thing worrying me is the rapid weight gain.

I guess at least I am no where near as sensitive to Testosterone as I feared I would be haha!!

Would love some advice on the weight gain though. I am drinking about 2L of water a day plus several cups of black coffee (each cup being about 340ml)


its got to be water retention, you cant grow 15 lbs of muscle is a less than 2 weeks. i dont have experience with the proscar while on cycle, guessing you have hair loss concerns but to block DHT will lessen the functionality of test and to that part the gains you're expecting
id attack it topically since its in the scalp that you want to kill it , just get a shampoo with ketocanazole in it

its got to be water retention, you cant grow 15 lbs of muscle is a less than 2 weeks. i dont have experience with the proscar while on cycle, guessing you have hair loss concerns but to block DHT will lessen the functionality of test and to that part the gains you're expecting
id attack it topically since its in the scalp that you want to kill it , just get a shampoo with ketocanazole in it


Yeah dont worry, I am under no illusions that it is anything but water retention. I was just under the impression that Arimidex was gonna keep that under control. the sensitive nipples have gone but it just seems to be the water retention I still have.I have more than enough Arimidex to finish my cycle at the current dose but was thinking of upping it to 0.5mg Everyday to see if it gets the water retention under control or if it is a bit over kill.

Day 11 - Pin 3

Everything went fine. Feels like my body has grown accustomed to the testosterone and the sides for the most part have subsided.

In the first week I felt incredibly hot all the time, sweating, oily skin, sensitive nipples and water retention and the good sides like massive libido increase. ;) I only seem to still have the water retention and the libido increase.

I do feel like I can push harder in my workouts (whether it is the testosterone or the psychological edge is irrelevant haha)

As of today I am 8.3kg's heavier than I was on day one. I know that most of it will be water and extra glycogen storage. but some will be muscle though I am guessing no more than a pound lol.

Just thought I would give another update since it was a Pin day. :)

let us know how upping the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) goes, i like Aromasin best but many like Adex.
Aromasin not only lowers circulating estrogen and sex hormone binding globulin but it also increases free testosterone by a whopping 117%! Total testosterone increases about 60%.
let us know how upping the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) goes, i like Aromasin best but many like Adex.
Aromasin not only lowers circulating estrogen and sex hormone binding globulin but it also increases free testosterone by a whopping 117%! Total testosterone increases about 60%.

Before I try upping my Adex I am going to see if caffeine helps shed some of the bloat. I have a high tolerance to caffeine so I have taken 600mg this morning. No shakes or jitters (as expected as I am used to using > 800mg a day) stopped using caffeine a few days ago to give myself a break but seeing how it affects bloat.

If it doesn't work then when I get paid and I order the extra Testosterone Enanthate I need I will get some extra Adex. I still dont lile the idea of Aromasin as tanking my estrogen sounds bad. Plus isnt the whole point of Adex to stop the binding of aromatase? Thus stop the aromatising. So I shouldn't have that much anyway.

Unfortunately my supplier doesn't stock Aromasin so even if I wanted to try it, I couldn't.

Will keep the thread posted though :)

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Day 14 - Pin 4

Ok so today was pin 4 and was not fun. I have established that I am incapable of pinning my right quad hah.. I don't know why but every time I have done it, it has been weird. I actually passed out tonight while doing it (now before you all start calling me a big girl lmao) I am fine when I do it in my left Quad (excluding the first time, it didn't hurt while doing it but it was the first time I had injected myself and it was with 2ml of Test E.. gave my mind too much time to realise there was a needle stuck in it I guess :P haha) but none the less.. For some reason when I put the needle in my right quad A) it hurts significantly more and B) I get light headed.. Maybe to do with the fact I am more nervous because I am left handed so feel more comfortable with my left quad I dont know.

Anyway, gonna put this out there: do NOT pass out with a needle in your hand. It is not a good idea haha.. When I came around (I have never ever fainted in my life before now) the needle was buried in my hand. Yeah. I am a complete idiot I know do NOT flame me because I realise this but there was nothing I could really do - I fainted!

Annnnyyyway. I got another needle and pinned my left quad, no problems, no pain, no light headedness or feeling like I was gonna pass out (and thankfully I didn't hit a vein as there was no blood when I aspirated.) So at least that all went in my favour. Though a little more blood came out this time than I a used to but meh. I feel fine now.

God I feel stupid. But I figured it was best to record it down in this entry as that is the whole point, its a log of the experience.

I ended up not upping the Adex dose, instead I reduced my carbs slightly and use a little more caffeine which seems to be helping.

Fewer carbs = less glycogen produced = less water being stored with glycogen

My weight seems to be leveling out at a more reasonable amount and my jeans/work trousers don't feel like they are gonna burst the button off.

Strength wise I can definitely feel it. I don't feel as depleted after a work out (after usual amount, obviously I am slowly increasing my workout amount in line with my progress to ensure I am still challenging my body) libido is still high, skin seems less oily however I think its more that I am just used to it. The sweating seems to have stopped too. I have had a few spots coming and going but no outbreaks.

So yeah. All in all excluding tonight's pinning it is a positive experience so far.

Day 17 - Pin 5

No bother this time. Pinned left quad again, luckily I don't seem to be building up any marks on my left quad (though I am guessing it is more due to the 23G needles than anything else) Either way I didn't pass out this time. Definitely going to stick with my left quad. Stung a little more than usual total though. But I think that was do to the needle not having a tiny bead of Test E on the end to help lubricate. Nothing I couldn't handle though. Went in fine, no blood when aspirating. Not gonna jynx it though haha.

I am starting to feel fuller and harder more noticeably now (at least to me) I thought in the beginning it would have been placebo and psychological (Which it will have been) However I am certain its starting to take effect now. I am starting to feel stronger and stronger each workout but still taking it easy as I dont want to push too hard and hurt myself.. Definitely loving being on.

One thing I would like some advice on. My balls one minute are like a 3 year olds (LOL!) and the next minute they are normal and dangling full size. Is this normal?

Started eating more carbs again as low carb workouts are DEATH so some bloat seems to have returned but I figure there is no point fighting it. Just gonna drink more water, have more caffeine/ephedrine and enjoy the benefits of higher glycogen stores haha.

U do know test e takes about 4-6 weeks to kick in, right?

It's not a light switch. It doesn't just all of a sudden start working after you have been using it for that long. there is a gradual increase in strength and size throughout the cycle. It just becomes MORE obvious A) in performance and B) to the naked eye at around 4-6 weeks and even more so after that to the end of the cycle. I said that I feel and look to myself like I am firmer and fuller. which is not so unbelievable at 2.5 weeks.

What I am saying is that the relationship of time to strength gains and noticeable size gains are is not an exponential one that suddenly kicks in at 4+ weeks. My work shirts feel tighter on my back, chest and around my biceps/triceps. You cannot possibly tell me that that is not due to the Testosterone Enanthate.

I am not saying its all solid muscle growth, most will be glycogen/nitrogen/water retention within my muscle cell walls - this I am aware of. But none the less the Testosterone HAS started pronouncing modest changes in my physique. That is all I was saying.

It effects everyone differently some people take considerably longer to notice anything, some people take much less time, I myself seem to be one of the lucky-ish few that lie between normal and quicker. I have no reason to lie and this thread is just a record of my thoughts, feelings, progress and notes of how the gear is affecting me physiologically.

Sorry for the rant :P it wasn't meant to sound like one it was just meant to clear up what I was implying :)

Tonight will be Pin 6 at Day 21. I will update again later with how it goes.

Also SamSport, thanks, I hope you can find something useful to help you in here :)

Holy shit guys. I'm sorry. I have been so mega busy at work I haven't had chance to post. I haven't even had the chance to do much in the way of working out this week either due to work taking over everything! :( I feel like this week was a total waste of Testosterone :(

Day 21 - Pin 6 was totally fine.

Day 24 - Pin 7 was fine. Was a little stressed last night so I think it hurt a bit more. Was probably a little tense.. I injected at 2250 instead of my usual 1700 though due to the Half life, I do not think this is a catastrophe in the grand scheme of things lol.

Hoping to really pummel myself tonight

A) To make up for lost time


B) Stress relief

I will probably also go on a nice long run tomorrow.

Hope everyone is doing well.

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Hey all,

My extra Testosterone Enanthate came in the mail yesterday.

My supplier has a minimum spend to avoid a low order fee so I ended up having to spend more.

To avoid the fee I decided to get the following too:

5000ui HCG
100 x 25mg Cytomel

I figured the Cytomel would come in useful towards the end of the cycle to really maximise definition for when I come off cycle and also fix any fat gain from throughout the cycle. It is difficult to gauge how much I have put on when my weight jumped up 7kg very quickly haha.

But it made sense to get the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) if it meant avoiding the low order fee.

Tomorrow will be Pin 8 Day 28. I will update tomorrow.
