Test E + Anavar Cycle - Need Advice


New member
G'day all, running my second cycle here, first one being;
Week 1 to 10: Test Enanthate @ 250 mg every 3.5 days (500mg/week total)
Week 1 to 10: hCG @ 250 iu every 3.5 days (500 iu/week total)
Week 1 to 12: Armidex @ 0.25mg every other day (From day 2 up until PCT starts)
Week 12 to 16: Nolvadex @ 40mg everyday for week 12,13 and 20mg everyday for weeks 14,15

Stats: Weight: 95kg (210 pounds)
Height: 184cm (6'1")
Body Fat: 11%
Age: 23 Years

This cycle I will be running;
Week 1 to 10: Test Enanthate @ 250 mg every 3.5 days (500mg/week total)
Week 5 to 12: Anavar @ 50mg per day
Week 2 to 12: hCG @ 250 iu every 3.5 days (500 iu/week total)
Week 1 to 12: Arimidex @ 0.25mg every other day (From day 2 up until PCT starts)
Week 12 to 16: Nolvadex @ 40mg everyday for week 12,13 and 20mg everyday for weeks 14,15

I plan on maintaining my size/putting on some lean muscle and trying to cut off the last few parts of fat I have.
I will be taking 1x25mg Anavar tablet in the morning and 1x25mg Anavar tablet in the evening
Will be running N-Acetyl L-Cysteine (NAC) to combat the sides of Anavar
Will it be much more beneficial to run Test E an extra 2 weeks? I will have to purchase another vial.
Best time to take hCG? 2 days before Test Enanthate injection?
Does the setup look good?

Thanks in advance.
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I am currently on the same cycle minus the hcg. I would run test E 12 weeks if possible. Anavar has a half life of 8 hours I think so a am/pm split would be ideal. PCT I would add clomid but others may disagree. First day PCT 150mg clomid/ 60mg Nolva then clomid 100/50/50/25 - Nolva 40/20/20/10. As for hcg there are loads of opinions how to run it.
It's ok buddies every bit helps, ATM I'm already planning my next cycle so ino the headache of wanting to know every little detail. I am currently in week 10 so coming to a end soon. As this is my second cycle I feel the anavar has definitely added strength and a amazing pump. I can get a pump without hitting the gym ATM :Pat: , it's border line annoying!. As I suffer from gyno while on I run aridmex at .25 - .5mg ED but around week 7 I broke out with abit of acne so upped dosage to 1mg ED for a week and signs went within a few days. Hope this helps.
Why are you stopoing your hcg with test? Run it up to pct. You can pin it the same days as test. 8 weeks of any oral is hell on the liver. I would go 6 weeks max! Milk thistle is garbage btw.. Pick up some nac and run 1200mgs per day...
Thanks for the information everyone. Snapback, Glad you've got noticeable strength gains with the Anavar, I'm looking forward to this cycle. Thanks for the acne clearing information.
Briant, I don't like how bad Winstrol is with your joints. Happy to spend the extra money for Anavar.
Tbonexl, I only have enough to run hCG 500ui/week for 10 weeks, so I'll run it from week 2 to PCT (12). I have reduced the Anavar to 7 weeks and changed the Milk Thistle to N-Acetyl L-Cysteine (NAC). I have decided to run the Anavar at the end half of my cycle, from week 5-12.
I am currently on the same cycle minus the hcg. I would run test E 12 weeks if possible. Anavar has a half life of 8 hours I think so a am/pm split would be ideal. PCT I would add clomid but others may disagree. First day PCT 150mg clomid/ 60mg Nolva then clomid 100/50/50/25 - Nolva 40/20/20/10. As for hcg there are loads of opinions how to run it.

and what are your stats? same as his?
If you run test e into 12 weeks you will not begin to recover until about week 15. Better to switch from test e to test prop in week 9 if you want to continue test longer, but still cut it off after week 11 if you're trying to begin recovery by weeks 12-13.

8 weeks of anavar is really no big deal. I've gone 3 times that long many times and my liver likes me. I would run it all the way through if you can afford it.

I think you'll like your cycle. I agree on running the hcg until the end of the cycle. I inject 250 ius 2-3 times per week and I don't worry about timing it on days I don't inject test.
I was under the impression that hCG spikes your Test levels, making Gynecomastia a side effect to concern yourself about. Now if I was to inject my Test E dose + hCG in the same day, wouldn't that increase the risks of Gynecomastia?
I was under the impression that hCG spikes your Test levels, making Gynecomastia a side effect to concern yourself about. Now if I was to inject my Test E dose + hCG in the same day, wouldn't that increase the risks of Gynecomastia?

Ummm,, are you not running a cycle of testosterone for the purpose of 'spiking your test levels' to begin with ? I mean the point of running the cycle is to spike your test levels as high as you can possibly get them .. so what if HCG 'spikes' them more.

you control gyno by controlling estrogen with a proper AI protocol , NOT by limiting testosterone
No no, I was just saying wouldn't it be safer to inject the hCG and the Test E on different days?

But you're right, I could always just up the Arimidex to avoid Gynecomastia and control my estrogen levels.
No no, I was just saying wouldn't it be safer to inject the hCG and the Test E on different days?.

Test E is a slow ester with a half life of around 10 days .. that means it is being slowly absorbed/released into your blood stream during that 10 days span .. so it does not matter what day you inject your HCG, as your test E injection is not even absorbed on the day you inject.

you can even just put the HCG in the same syringe and inject it right along with the test E. or inject it separately sub Q, but it does not matter what days or not or together because of the half life of the drugs
It is at least in theory possible to increase the risk of gyno by injecting HCG. However, in my case, I have been injecting steroids (at times very high doses) and HCG for years and have never had a hint of gyro, so I don't worry about it.

Test E is certainly being deestrified and taking effect on the day you inject it, in fact the blood levels of deestrified test will likely be the highest late on the day of injection and will taper off from there.

If I was trying to be "perfect" I would probably not inject HCG on the same day I injected test, but in my case I don't think it makes much if any difference so I don't worry about it.