Test E and Tren E Third Cycle


New member
This will be my third cycle. My second using tren. I am 24, 6'5" and 215 lbs. I would guess 17% bf. My goals are to lean bulk for the first 10-12 weeks of the cycle, then slowly cut for the last 4 weeks. My cycle idea follows:

Test E: 125mg Monday & Thursday = 250mg/week 14-16 weeks

Tren E: 300mg Monday & Thursday = 600mg/week 12-14 weeks

HCG: 250iu Tuesday & Friday = 500iu/week starting the 3rd week of cycle until the last inj of test

Clomid 50/50/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20

I may add in winny or anavar for the last 6 weeks.

I'm asking for input on to whether run the cycle 14 weeks or 16 weeks? Should I taper the dose of tren and/or test at the end of the cycle? I will have the amount to run 16 weeks regardless. Also any input on adding winny or anavar or any other product would be greatly appreciated. I have heard igf 1lr3 could be a good addition, but i have no experience with peptides.

I'm shooting for 300p/300c/100f 3300cal for the bulking period. Then for the last month I plan on dropping the carbs to 225g and the fat to 80g.

Blood work was done last week TT was 625 (348-1197)
Forgot to mention I will be taking Liquidex .25mg EOD and Prami .25 ED and I will bump it up to .5 ED if I need to.
I like to play it safe. Plus I have enough on hand that I won't have to order any more for this cycle.
Yes..my bloodwork showed I had slightly high estradiol last week. So I feel safe. Would you suggest otherwise?
Yes..my bloodwork showed I had slightly high estradiol last week. So I feel safe. Would you suggest otherwise?

But isn't that your estradiol while not being on a cycle or cruise? If so, that has zero relevance to what it will be when you run a cycle and get all your testosterone exogenously. Or did you leave out the fact that you are on TRT? If so, you don't need to run PCT.
A 4 week slow cut at the end of your cycle is really a big waist of time. You either do a bucking cycle or a cut cycle. Can't do both. 6'5" @215 I would say u need to bulk up a lil bit.
"Anastrozole (aka LiquiDex/Dex)-
Dex lowers estrogen production in the body by blocking the aromatase enzyme, the enzyme responsible for estrogen synthesization. Dosing of 0.5 mg to 1 mg a day should reduce serum estradiol about 50% in men,[5] which leads to helping prevent bloating and gyno which may be associated with the use of AAS. Active life is fairly short so daily to eod dosing is optimal."
This comes straight from the how to section...my dose is half of what juicedporkchop gives an example of here. Am I missing something as to why this is a high dose? If so what is a better dose? Thanks
"Anastrozole (aka LiquiDex/Dex)-
Dex lowers estrogen production in the body by blocking the aromatase enzyme, the enzyme responsible for estrogen synthesization. Dosing of 0.5 mg to 1 mg a day should reduce serum estradiol about 50% in men,[5] which leads to helping prevent bloating and gyno which may be associated with the use of AAS. Active life is fairly short so daily to eod dosing is optimal."
This comes straight from the how to section...my dose is half of what juicedporkchop gives an example of here. Am I missing something as to why this is a high dose? If so what is a better dose? Thanks

You are missing the fact that you are running essentially a TRT dose of test with only 250mg/week. You are not running enough to be at supraphysiological testosterone levels. Therefore you do not require as much arimidex as guys running cycle-sized doses of testosterone. But, the truth is in your blood work. Where did your estradiol come in at in previous cycles when you ran that much test and arimidex?
Last cycle I did was over 2 years ago and I had no bloodwork done. Stupid, I know. So for that amount of test would .125mg EOD be too much? Or should I wait and only use it if I experience sides or if my estradiol is high when I get my bloodwork done around week 4. Or do I need to get bloodwork done sooner?
Last cycle I did was over 2 years ago and I had no bloodwork done. Stupid, I know. So for that amount of test would .125mg EOD be too much? Or should I wait and only use it if I experience sides or if my estradiol is high when I get my bloodwork done around week 4. Or do I need to get bloodwork done sooner?

That's actually probably a good place to start with for the AI dose given your body fat %. But keep in mind, some guys don't even need to use an AI on that much test. Get blood work about 6 weeks in if you feel good. But if you start having negative aide effects get in sooner for blood work.